Celebrating Canyon Cinema’s 50th Anniversary
Posted August 25th, 2011 in Announcements, Events and Screenings, News / Events
50th Anniversary of Canyon Cinema
Canyon Cinema, one of the world’s premier experimental film distribution centers is in the
process of celebrating its 50th year anniversary.
Undoubtedly, Canyon Cinema has become synonymous with Bay Area independent and
experimental film. At present, Canyon Cinema has 320 members worldwide and
distributes more than 3,200 films and hundreds of DVDs. As we have actively grown over
the past fifty years, Canyon has chronicled the history of this unique genre.
Join us this fall as we celebrate our anniversary and remember our shared lineage with the
Bay Area experimental film scene through a series of screenings at the Ninth Street
Independent Film Center, 145 Ninth Street San Francisco, CA 7pm and a special program
at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Third Street, San Francisco, CA.
Screenings @ Ninth Street Independent Film Center
145 Ninth Street San Francisco, CA 7pm
$7 general; $5 students and seniors
Special Support Provided by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Join us in celebration of Canyon Cinema’s 50th anniversary this fall for a series screenings
and events hosted at Ninth Street Cinema with a generous grant from the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
August 26, 7pm: New Films from Canyon Cinema
October 1, 7pm: An Intimate Evening with Bruce Baillie
October 28, 7pm: Women in Avant Garde Film
November 18, 7pm: Hand-painted Films of Stan Brakhage
December 16, 7pm: Salute to George Kuchar
Quick Billy Screening @ San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
151 Third Street (between Mission + Howard) San Francisco CA 94103
Tel: 415.357.4000
$10 general; $7 SFMOMA members, students, and seniors
Canyon Cinema celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding by presenting the newly
restored version of Quick Billy by Baillie. Also presented will be a rare screening of Baillie’s
35mm film entitled Pieta. Baillie was instrumental as one of the founders of Canyon
Cinema in the early 1960s.
A wine reception will follow the screening and talk by Bruce Baillie
September 29, 7pm: Quick Billy (1967-70, 60 min.)