Mr. Wonderful (Rhoads, aka Luther Price)

Rental Format(s): Super 8mm, 24 fps

mR.WODERFUL ...''everything goes together ,,because your all one piece ............''your head grows and your ears grow ....because your all one piece ...............everything grows together because your all one piece ....................your arms grow and your chest grows and your legs grow ,,,,,,because your all one piece.....................everything grows together because your all one piece your feet grow and your toes grow ...because your all one piece.................luther

It's great for me to remember
As I put away my toys,
That mothers were all little girls
one time
And fathers were all little boys.

My Daddy seems so big right
He must have grown a lot.
Imagine how he felt one day
When he was just a tot.

My mother's not so big as dad
But bigger than my sister
I wonder if she ever had
A little fever blister.
- Fred

Rental Fees

Super 8mm, 24 fps $35.00  

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