Dub Film
- Doug Wendt |
- 1980 |
- 3 minutes |
Rental Format(s): 16mm film
Eye-sential images: latent, lingering, and off-screen.
"Three and a half minutes of visual and aural percussion, with the out-of-left-field comic coda of a spaceship that flies in a window and shaves a patch of hair off a man's face. The percussive style is achieved by reggae 'dub' music used for its alternating silences and sounds and a visual strobing of colors and letters on the screen."
- Robert Di Matteo, The San Francisco Bay Guardian
"The Ann Arbor Festival provides a handsome and arresting catalogue. Doug Wendt's DUB FILM eschews narrative line in favor of light, color and image, handling movement as texture." - Calvin Ahlgren, San Francisco Chronicle
Award: Ann Arbor Film Festival; Infinite Forum Festival.