Up and Atom

Rental Format(s): 16mm film / Digital File

Music by Fletcher Henderson.

'Acid Bird' sculpture by Richard W. See

"A short, quick, neat and amusing opener (for film programs) that will start the audience off in a good mood and clear you immediately of the suspicion of being arty. You won't go wrong with this one."
- Journal of Popular Film

An hilarious and somewhat erotic illustration of staying power, starring Gypsy Rose (a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon), "That poor mutt with the peanut butter in her teeth."
- Filmmakers Newsletter

"Begun in 1972 with the 6th Annual Kenyon (Ohio) Film Festival, awarded for merit, and an understanding of the basic rudiments and essential mystery required for artistic expression in the medium of film. This award goes to the winner with the understanding that it not only appeals to the sophisticate, but also to the plebian and the vulgar: 'This is the ultimate fact which we so quickly reach on this, as on every topic, the resolution of all into the ever-blessed One. Self-existence is the attribute of the Supreme Cause, and it constitutes the measure of good by the degree in which it enters into all lower forms.' -Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance."
-Brian Mark and Gregory Andorfer, Director of the Film Festival

Awards: Ann Arbor Film Festival & Tour, Invited to Du Cinema De Montreal, Yale Film Festival, Bellevue Film Festival, Sinking Creek Film Festival, Hawaii Film Festival, Monterey Film Festival, Sweet Virginia Film Festival and others

Shown on Saturday Night Live, at The Whitney Museum, Midnight Movies and many, many places

"Amiable spoof of the current California scene."
- The New York Times

(Also available as part of the TRILDOGY)

Rental Fees

16mm film $25.00  
Digital File $25.00  

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