Even As You and I - Harry Hay

Rental Format(s): Digital File

Co-makers: Roger Barlow, Harry Hay, LeRoy Robbins. Assisted by Hy Hirsh.
Original format: 16mm sound film 1.37:1
New music: Eric Beheim

"Inspired by an amateur filmmaking competition, Barlow, Hay, and Robbins collaborated on this reflexive film, in which they depict the production of a homemade short that references stylistic devices used by 1920s European and Russian avant-garde filmmakers such as Bunuel and Dali, Richter, Vertov, and Eisenstein." -David James

"All three amateurs proceeded to have professional lives of distinction. Barlow was one of a handful of multi-purpose filmmakers who wore many hats in the new field of social documentaries including a key role in the making of The City (1939). LeRoy Robbins followed a similar path as Barlow in the production of independent documentaries and Hollywood feature films as editor, sound recordist, and sound mixer with notable acclaim gained for his work on Easy Rider (1969). Harry Hay became the most famous, nay notorious, of the three as a political gay activist and founder of the Mattachine Society and Radical Faeries, and later for his support of the extremely controversial NAMBLA." -Bruce Posner

Rental Fees

Digital File $45.00  

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