San Cristobal

Rental Format(s): 16mm film

"San Cristobal explores the interpersonal tensions between Native Americans and Caucasian tourists in the Mexican highlands. With deft camerawork, a keen sense of composition and color, and emotional sensitivity, Jennings' acknowledges the material poverty of the Mayan peoples, while celebrating their vibrant cultures."
- Karen Treanor

"Jennings plays with dimensionality in this film, which was shot in San Cristobal, Mexico. The film opens with deep shadows cast by the Chiapas sun. As the marketplace fills with people, the film is transformed into a flat plane of colors - vivid greens, hot pinks, bold turquoise, blazing reds... Within this flat plane, the viewer can discern representational forms - a woman's glossy braid, a straw basket, a humble sandal, a child's face...This is a beautiful, loving film.
- Karen Treanor

Rental Fees

16mm film $35.00  

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