Catastrophe and Convenience

Rental Format(s): Digital File

An out of breath man struggles to complete his weekend to-do list as Black Friday shoppers find themselves trapped in their frenzy. Weapons discharge in the solitude of nature as a boy's day dream becomes an epiphany revealing a catastrophe of convenience.

Video, Music & Text: written, recorded, edited & performed by Tommy Becker
Vocals, guitars, keys and drum programming by Tommy Becker
Voice over work by Tricia Brioux.
Marionette performances by Billy Mark.

Production format: HD Video, found 16mm

Selected Screenings:
Ann Arbor Film Festival (2018), Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival (2018), Particle + Wave Media Arts Festival (2019), Currents New Media (2018), Experiments in Cinema 14.2, Cyclop Video Poetry Festival (2017), Other Cinema's Optronica, Shapeshifters Cinema, The Box at Wexner Center for the Arts (2018)

Rental Fees

Digital File $40.00  

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