Deer Children

It's a natural response for teenagers to question and react against their cultural conditioning. Deer Children is an exhortation to embrace unfettered joy and chaos before the agonies of adulthood set in. It invites the viewer to momentarily indulge in the fantasy of youthful rebellion, self-discovery, recklessness, love, disregard, dream and contempt that continues to escape us as we are pulled further into the constructs of age and culture.

Video, Music & Text: written, recorded, edited & performed by Tommy Becker.
Operatic vocals by Caroline Joy Clarke

Production format: HD video

Selected Screenings:
Other Cinema, SF, CA; Shapeshifters Cinema, Oakland, CA; Mix Conference 2017 at Bath Spa University, England; Patricia Sweetow Gallery, SF, CA; HALLWALLS Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY; Krowswork, Oakland, CA; Visible Verse, Pacific Cinematheque, Vancouver BC. Performed as expanded cinema as part of "Passing Periods" at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, SF, CA; Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA; Exploded View Cinema, Tucson, AZ, Oddball Film & Video, SF, CA; Skylab Gallery, Columbus, OH; The Mini Microcinema, Cincinnati, OH.