Prelude & Song for the Pain-body
- Tommy Becker |
- 2014 |
- 6 minutes |
Prelude & Song for the Pain-body - The term "pain-body" was introduced by philosopher and author Eckhart Tolle in his book A New Earth. The Pain-body is the collective manifestation of all the pain, misery, and sorrow a person has ever experienced in their life. This lingering energy field of pain can be triggered when we encounter fear, anger, and anxiety in our daily lives. One can recognize the ego's attachment to these emotions through mindfulness. The truly tragic state of David Banner is his high, almost enlightened level of self-awareness but his inability to subvert the outcomes of his pain-body once it is triggered. This video places the Hulk creature in a subordinate role as he struggles to surrender to authority and overcome the emotional effects of his pain-body.
Video, Music & Text: written, recorded, edited & performed by Tommy Becker - 2014
Vocals, guitar, synths, drum programming by Tommy Becker
Prelude piano sample from "The Lonely Man Theme" by Joe Harnell
Prelude voice over by Gloria Rios
Additional backing vocal by Derric Oliver
Appropriated footage from The Incredible Hulk (1977 TV series)
Found footage from the Prelinger Archive
A huge thanks to participating students: Oscar, Jake, Hugo, Sean, Marlon, Veronica, Daniella, Asha, Miguel, Rae, Josh & Others!!
Production formats: HD video, SD video
Selected Screenings:
Prismatic Permutations, group show presented by Shapeshifters Cinema at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, SF, CA; ACRE TV - Funny : Looking, on-line group show; Jornadas de Reapropiación 2016, group screening at Digital Cultural Center, Mexico City; Other Cinema's Optronica, live cinema presentation SF, CA; Experiments in Cinema 14.2 live cinema presentation as part of Side One