Rudy Burckhardt

"Filmmakers often try to make a great film by making it feel heavier than film is by nature. R.B. seems happy if he can make his feel lighter. That does leave him unique, and he succeeds in it too. There is no distortion of image or sound. Its magic invention - including the later dream-weight - is new and inscrutable. It is a film that changes when you watch it again, it has many surprises I haven't mentioned. Take it as a wonderfully touching dream and as an amazing marvel of filmmaking." - Edwin Denby

Rudy Burckhardt was born in Switzerland in 1914 and came to New York in 1935. He showed his first two films (NYC subjects) in 1937. He has made more than 70 since, few longer than half an hour, all minimal budget. From the start they have been personal, unmistakably his.
