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Results 1021 - 1040 of 1043

Title Description Filmmaker Year Format Color Sound Length
Three A brief inner psychological drama depicting the re... Lawrence Jordan 1956 Digital File B&W SOUND 7 mins
Screen, Projector & Film Video documentation of performance with 16mm film ... Al Wong 1977 Digital File COLOR SILENT 14 mins
Paper Sister This work is a response to the Chinese Exclusion A... Al Wong 2023 Digital File B&W SOUND 5 mins
Greetings to the Ancestors Set between Swaziland and South Africa, in a regio... Ben Russell 2014 Digital File COLOR SOUND 29 mins
Looking for Jiro A tribute to Jiro Onuma, a gay Japanese American i... TT Takemoto 2011 Digital File B&W SOUND 6 mins
May 35 A commemoration of the Tiananmen Square uprisings ... TT Takemoto 2019 Digital File COLOR SOUND 3 mins
13th Ave Fargo Mine Cart 13th Avenue Fargo Mine Cart was made drivin... Raymond Rea 2022 Digital File COLOR SOUND 3 mins
Lift Little Tokyo Maps and memories of Little Tokyo's historical dis... TT Takemoto 2018 Digital File COLOR SOUND 7 mins
Negative / Positive Film Negative / Positive Film is a hand-made, ca... Federica Foglia 2023 Digital File B&W SOUND 14 mins
Coffee   Dorothy Wiley 1977 Digital File COLOR SILENT 8 mins
Fire Fly EYE Fire Fly EYE is my response to the devastat... Kerry Laitala 2020 Digital File COLOR SOUND 7 mins
Starting to Go Bad A diaristic journey in which storytelling and pict... Pat O'Neill 2009 Digital File COLOR SOUND 30 mins
Where The Chocolate Mountains The Chocolate Mountains lie along the border betwe... Pat O'Neill 2015 Digital File COLOR SOUND 56 mins
The Mirror Neuron The Mirror Neuron is an art rock film divid... Tommy Becker 2021 Digital File COLOR SOUND 14.5 mins
Emotions in Metal Emotions in Metal is an investigative, visu... Tommy Becker 2019 Digital File COLOR SOUND 21 mins
3 Seasons in 2021 Three Seasons in 2021 is a reminder that, e... Janis Crystal Lipzin 2021 Digital File COLOR SOUND 4 mins
Ontogeny During the worst drought in decades and in the sum... Janis Crystal Lipzin 2021 Digital File COLOR SOUND 9 mins
Fairytale As John Davis's music points out, "fairytale" is a... Lawrence Jordan 2023 Digital File COLOR SOUND 3.5 mins
True Places Places that exist at the border(s) of memory and p... Gloria Chung 2022 Digital File COLOR SOUND 6.5 mins
Ommatidia Each compound eye of a large dragonfly is composed... Gloria Chung 2022 Digital File COLOR SOUND 7 mins
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