New Acquisitions
Now Available: Toney W. Merritt’s APART – A PART
APART – A PART (2024, 7 minutes, color, sound, digital file) “The title itself contains a Buddhist-like koan. Fascinating how breaking ‘apart’ the word brings us into coherence as ‘a part of nature.’ A linguistic mystery visualized, eyes wide open. This must be the footage from the Amazon (?) you mentioned some months ago that […]
Now Available: Azucena Losana’s Aliados
Aliados (2024, 8 minutes, color, sound, digital file) “Beyond the giant trees, the subtle ferns, the hungry caverns, and the generous ravines, in the forests, there are voices that root those who visit these landscapes. They are the echoes of a more bestial and just time, where lightning is a divine finger and a cloud […]
Now Available: Four Videos by Tommy Becker
Let’s Make a Movie (2014, 5 minutes, color, sound, digital file) A love song and tribute to classic cinema. Song for the Lemons (2013, 4.5 minutes, color, sound, digital file) The lemon, often utilized by famed still-life painters, was rarely the focus of a composition. More typically, it was being abused for its compositional qualities. […]
Now Available: Three New Films by Lynne Sachs
Canyon Cinema is delighted to announce that three new films by Lynne Sachs are now available for rent, including: Contractions, which was recently featured on The New York Times’ Op-Docs page; She Carries the Holiday in Her Eyes, featuring Barbara Friedman and Laetitia Mikles; and The Jitters, commissioned by Indiana University’s Moving Image Archive for […]
Now Available: Four New Films by Malic Amalya
Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that Malic Amalya’s Living Lessons in the Museum of Order (2023), along with three additional films, are now available for rent: Living Lessons in the Museum of Order (2023, 21 minutes, color, sound, 16mm or digital file) Tourism in an age of mass incarceration and mass extinction. Living Lessons […]
Now Available: Four Films by Philip Hoffman
Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce the acquisition of four recent handmade films by longtime artist member Philip Hoffman. A film artist of memory and association, Hoffman has long been recognized as Canada’s pre-eminent diary filmmaker. As Karyn Sandlos writes, “For over twenty years he has been straining history through personal fictions, using the material of […]
Now Available: Bill Brown’s Mountain State
Mountain State (Bill Brown, 2003, 19 minutes, color, sound, 16mm or digital file) “History is a ghost, and every historical marker tells a ghost story,” Brown writes about his film; that’s true but also a truism, since every true story must one day become a kind of ghost story. Mountain State is instead a film about absence, […]
New Store Item! Tommy Becker’s The Mirror Neuron
Now in stock: Tommy Becker’s The Mirror Neuron, a 36-page color zine featuring an introduction by David Finkelstein and over 30 hi-res stills printed in combination with the poetry and text of the work. A QR code grants access to the full 14:30-minute work online. An optional expanded edition includes a 16″ x 20″ poster […]
Now Available: Federica Foglia’s Glitter for Girls
Glitter for Girls (Federica Foglia, 2023, 4 minutes, color, sound, digital file or DCP) Glitter for Girls is a handmade tattoo film that utilizes a camera-less direct-on-film animation approach to collage multiple layers of water tattoos (commonly used by children.) Foglia, known for her tactile work on celluloid, this time intervenes on the 16mm polyester base […]
Now Available: Ten Digital Files from Mark Street
Canyon Cinema is pleased to announce that ten new digital files from longtime artist member Mark Street, encompassing work completed since 2019, are now available. “For many years Mark Street has been making small, observational films of the details and energies of public spaces in urban settings. City blocks, parking spaces, and storefronts (and the […]