Special Packages of Stan Brakhage’s Work for Exhibition and Classroom Use

Posted November 16th, 2010 in Announcements, News / Events

Special Rates for Stan Brakhage Program Packages

Marilyn Brakhage has compiled some excellent packages of Stan Brakhage’s films for use in classrooms and exhibitions. Canyon Cinema will be offering these packages at special rates. Individual films by Stan Brakhage continue to be available for rent at Canyon Cinema’s standard prices. As the possibilities are much wider than what is contained in these few suggestions, if you have other programming ideas of your own, please contact Canyon Cinema to negotiate a price. The programs listed here do not constitute a full retrospective of Stan Brakhage’s work, though they may provide a basis for various partial retrospectives.

Program titles:
1) Early Brakhage
2) Early Brakhage II (+ Creation)
3) Family and Myth 1 (including Dog Star Man)
4) Family and Myth II (The Trilogy of The Weir-Falcon Saga)
5) through 11) – seven programs on themes of Autobiography and Portraiture
12) Animal Life, and a trilogy on Death
13) Two Brief and Two Grand Meditations on Animal Life on Earth
14) through 23) – ten landscape programs (Landscape as History/ Landscape as Light; “My Mountain,” and Gardens; Landscape, Cityscape, Stars; Visions in Meditation; Landscape/Cityscape, Self and Other; Landscape and the Child/Innocence Lost; Parts 2 & 3 of The Vancouver Island Quartet; Parts 3 & 4 of The Vancouver Island Quartet; The Complete Vancouver Island Quartet; Landscape and Spirituality)
24) and 25) Sexual Meditations and Dance I and II
26) The Pittsburgh Documents
27) Media Meditations I
28) Media Meditations and Collage
29) through 41) – thirteen programs exploring thought process and “visual music”
42) Religious Meditations, Hand-painted
43) Late hand-painted films: Elements/Seasons
44) Early Sound Films
45) Mid-Career Sound Films
46) Late Sound Films I (Faust)
47) Late Sound Films II
48) Late Sound Films III
49) Language and Image
50) the final program, which was curated by Timoleon Wilkins, titled “The Ghost Films of Stan Brakhage.”

For more information about these packages, please visit Stan Brakhage’s artist page on our website and scroll down to the section on special packages.