Nathaniel Dorsky
Now Available: Nathaniel Dorsky’s O Death
O Death (Nathaniel Dorsky, 2023, 5 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps) In the spirit of the times and my own growing older, a brief tip of the hat… – N.D.
Contemporary Bay Area Films from Canyon Cinema @ YBCA, 10/14/23
Contemporary Bay Area Films from Canyon CinemaOctober 14, 2023, 3pmYerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco Presented in association with Bay Area Now 9 On view at YBCA from October 6, 2023–May 5, 2024 Program info & tickets: “Operating at the intersection of exhibition and distribution Canyon Cinema, one of the key foundations of the Bay Area film ecosystem, has presented, preserved, […]
Now Available: Three New Films by Nathaniel Dorsky
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Three new 16mm portrait films by Nathaniel Dorsky, including: Caracole (for Izcali) (2023, 17.5 minutes, color, sound, 16mm, 18fps) In the last few years I have been making a series of cinematic portraits of young filmmaking friends acting as collaborators in portraiture. There is always a surprise as to what the […]
Now Available: Four New Films from Nathaniel Dorsky
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Four new 16mm films by Nathaniel Dorsky made over the past year, including: Place d’Or (2023, 10 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps) A rainy autumn afternoon at North Lake in Golden Gate Park. Perhaps the “Square of Gold” is also the screen itself. – N.D. Dialogues (2022, 17.5 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, […]
Now Available: Nathaniel Dorsky’s Interval
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Nathaniel Dorsky‘s Interval, one of a number of recent films photographed in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. For more on Dorsky’s work, check out Maximilien Luc Proctor‘s recent conversation with the filmmaker for MUBI’s Notebook: Interval (2021, 12.5 minutes, color, silent, 16mm, 18fps) A bouquet from those final arid […]
2 new films by Nathaniel Dorksy are now available ~ The Dreamer and Autumn
We are pleased to announce that Nathaniel Dorsky’s most recent films – The Dreamer and Autumn (2016) – are now available through Canyon Cinema. Autumn (2016 | 26 minutes | COLOR | SILENT) Autumn, photographed during the last months of the drought year, 2015, is a stately, but intimate seasonal tome, a celebration of the poignancy […]
Hiler // Dorsky Dual Retrospective at the New York Film Festival
NYFF53 Will Feature Retrospectives of Works by Jerome Hiler and Nathaniel Dorsky This Month at Lincoln Center New York Film Festival Retrospective LUMINOUS INTIMACY: THE CINEMA OF NATHANIEL DORSKY AND JEROME HILER Sept. 28th – Oct. 2nd For the last six decades, Nathaniel Dorsky and Jerome Hiler, partners in life and in cinema, have […]
3/30/2015 Canyon Cinema Salon, Nathaniel Dorsky on Stan Brakhage pt II
Please join Canyon Cinema on the evening of March 30, 2015 at New Nothing Cinema for the first installment of our 2015 Salon series. This month, filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky will return to present Stan Brakhage’s The God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him on 16mm. Dorksy writes: This evening’s Canyon Cinema Salon blooms out of the joy and desire to continue […]
Closing 2014 Salon: Nathaniel Dorsky on Stan Brakhage
A full house filled the small hand made theater at New Nothing Cinema to enjoy an evening of discussion surrounding the topic of form and meaning in union, using Visions of Meditation Parts two and three as a bases. Denah Johnston of Canyon Cinema introduced the program and Antonella Bonfanti ran the projectors. There was […]
Now Available: Four new works on 16mm by Nathaniel Dorsky
Four new works by Nathaniel Dorsky, Avraham, Summer, December, and February, are now available to rent on 16mm from Canyon Cinema! Check out these films fresh off of their Viennale premieres… Avraham (2014 | 20 minutes | COLOR | SILENT) “In most of my films I have had the burden of adding a title afterwards. Sometimes the word […]