New Artist Member
New Artist Member: Leandro Katz
Canyon Cinema is thrilled to welcome the Argentinian/American filmmaker, author, and visual artist Leandro Katz to the collection! Known for his films and photographic installations, Katz’s works include long-term projects that deal with Latin American subjects and incorporate historical research, anthropology, and visual arts. These include The Catherwood Project, a photographic reconstruction of the two 1850s expeditions of […]
New Artist Member: Priyanka Das
Canyon Cinema is pleased to welcome Brooklyn-based filmmaker Priyanka Das to the collection! Priyanka Das was born in India and is currently living in New York City. She is a transdisciplinary artist, filmmaker, writer, and curator. Her works aim to ignite thoughts, feelings, and emotions that delve deep into the essence of “otherness” mediated by […]
New Artist Member: Rock Ross
Canyon Cinema is delighted to welcome Rock Ross back to the collection! Rock Ross is an independent filmmaker and musician living and working in San Francisco. After receiving his BFA and MFA in Filmmaking from San Francisco Art Institute, Ross worked as Film Inspector and Shipper for the Canyon Cinema Co-op from 1975 to 1978, Editing […]
New Artist Member: John Woodman
Canyon Cinema is pleased to welcome the UK-based artist and filmmaker John Woodman to the collection! John Woodman is an artist working with landscape film/video and photography and studied at St. Martin’s School of Art and the Slade School of Art. He worked as a Senior Lecturer in Visual Communication Studies at West Midlands College […]
New Artist Member: Azucena Losana
Canyon Cinema is thrilled to welcome Azucena Losana to the collection! Azucena Losana (b. Mexico City, 1977) lives and works in Mexico City and Buenos Aires. Her work in experimental film, installation, and video has been presented at the Mar del Plata International Film Festival, BAFICI, (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periferico, La Coruña, España, Kurzfilmtage […]
New Acquisition: Three New Films by Rajee Samarasinghe
Now available from Canyon Cinema: Three new films by Rajee Samarasinghe! Show Me Other Places (2021, 11.5 minutes, color, sound, digital file or DCP) At the center of this film is a Sri Lankan woman accessing other places in digital form, while situated in her own physical reality. Navigating through a multitude of spaces from […]
New Artist Member: Abigail He
Canyon Cinema is pleased to welcome Brooklyn-based filmmaker and multimedia artist Abigail He to the collection! Abigail He’s recent work explores the interchangeable relationships between presence/absence, visibility/invisibility in both the material form and the conceptual representation through various media including film, video, sound, photography, performance, and sculpture. Using mainly recycled footage and color leader, she […]
New Artist Member: Al Wong
Canyon Cinema is delighted to welcome Al Wong back to the collection! Al Wong is a native San Franciscan artist and has spent the past 50+ years making art in a variety of mediums. His career has developed from his early years as a student at the San Francisco Art Institute where he earned his Master […]
New Artist Member: Nazlı Dinçel
Canyon Cinema is thrilled to welcome Nazlı Dinçel to the collection! In addition, we’re pleased to announce that brand new 16mm prints of 10 of Nazlı’s films are now available from Canyon, along with digital files of all 10 titles. Nazlı Dinçel (Turkey / USA) is a first-generation immigrant born in Ankara, Turkey. They studied […]
New Artist Member: Federica Foglia
Canyon Cinema is pleased to welcome the transnational visual artist and writer Federica Foglia to the collection! Federica Foglia is interested in issues of migration, citizenship and identity, displacement, women of the diaspora, migrant temporalities, and finding a visual language to investigate these experiences. Her practice revolves around recycled cinema, amateur filmmaking, imaginary archives. Foglia […]