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Results 781 - 800 of 1019

Title Description Filmmaker Year Format Color Sound Length
Belle du Jour Cut-out animation

In a timeless world of surrea...
Lawrence Jordan 2021 Digital File COLOR SOUND 9 mins
Bay-Bee A sonographic videopoem for my son, featuring Thom... Alexis Krasilovsky 1988 Digital File COLOR SOUND 2 mins
Valium Blues A videopoem about valium, combining imagery of the... Alexis Krasilovsky 1983 Digital File COLOR SOUND 1 mins
Leafless Leafless is a poem of textures about becomi... Nazli Dincel 2011 Digital File COLOR SILENT 8 mins
Shape of a Surface The ground holds accounts of once pagan, then chri... Nazli Dincel 2017 Digital File COLOR SOUND 9 mins
razor's edge Written, edited, directed by and featuring Xavier ... Stephanie Barber 2010 Digital File COLOR SOUND 45 mins
The Mental Traveller The Mental Traveller is a poetic reflection... Taiki Sakpisit 2018 Digital File COLOR SOUND 18 mins
Currents / Perpendicolare Avanti Currents / Perpendicolare Avanti is a camer... Federica Foglia 2021 Digital File COLOR SOUND 18 mins
He Needs Dark to See Light bored
into his eyes but where did it go?...
Abigail He 2021 Digital File COLOR SILENT 1.5 mins
Guerrilla Commercial What is it called when you run a women's film fest... Alexis Krasilovsky 1973 Digital File COLOR SOUND 1 mins
At Your Heels A recurring dream where I keep on following his tr... Azucena Losana 2017 Digital File COLOR SOUND 2.5 mins
Valle De Lobos In the winter, the Valley of Wolves, the southern ... Azucena Losana 2018 Digital File COLOR SOUND 3 mins
Tres bocetos de casa This is a series of studies filmed in 8 and 16mm a... Azucena Losana 2020 Digital File COLOR SOUND 5.5 mins
Corbusierhaus In 1958, Le Corbusier designed the Corbusierhaus i... Azucena Losana 2020 Digital File COLOR SILENT 3 mins
Tigre del Carbón Tigre del Carbón is an imaginary place on the map ... Azucena Losana 2022 Digital File COLOR SOUND 5 mins
the past Two people mourn an unsaid tragedy in this silent ... Rajee Samarasinghe 2021 Digital File COLOR SILENT 5.5 mins
Time-After Canaletto It was a hot sunny day in Venice, peering from the... John Woodman 2021 Digital File COLOR SILENT 12 mins
Beech Tree (2 screen) The tree is fast becoming an important symbol for ... John Woodman 2020 Digital File COLOR SILENT 26.5 mins
November Morning Through a long continuous take filmed on a cold No... John Woodman 2010 Digital File COLOR SOUND 12 mins
Spider A hand held 16mm camera was framed and focussed on... John Woodman 1979 Digital File COLOR SILENT 11 mins
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