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Results 881 - 900 of 1055

Title Description Filmmaker Year Format Color Sound Length
Letters One day I was watching my son write a letter - mak... Dorothy Wiley 1972 Digital File COLOR OPT 11 mins
Easyout Has to do with a consideration of one possible con... Pat O'Neill 1972 Digital File COLOR SOUND 9 mins
  Film Graphics: Abstract Aspects of Editing A "didactic" and "educational film" (distributed b... Barry Spinello 1972 Digital File COLOR SOUND 15 mins
Weeny Worm or the Fat Innkeeper, The I first saw these creatures at the Bodega Bay Mari... Dorothy Wiley 1972 Digital File COLOR OPT 11 mins
Third One Year Movie   Robert Huot 1972 Digital File COLOR SILENT 65 mins
Who Ho Rays "The shapes of sound filmed from a computer system... Stan VanDerBeek 1972 Digital File COLOR SILENT 8 mins
Truth for Ruth Muffled, inaudible sound and no image to speak of ... Curt McDowell 1972 Digital File B&W OPT 4 mins
New Shores NEW SHORES (1971 - 87, edited 2014)

New revi...
Jerome Hiler 1971-87 Digital File COLOR SILENT 35 mins
This Is It "James Broughton's creation myth, THIS IS IT, plac... James Broughton 1971 Digital File COLOR SOUND 10 mins
Barn Rushes " I noticed a play of moving light between the sla... Larry Gottheim 1971 Digital File COLOR SILENT 36 mins
  Doorway "Finally I moved the camera, in a slow pan from on... Larry Gottheim 1971 Digital File B&W SILENT 8 mins
Harmonica With Shelley Berde.

O! the one Life within us a...
Larry Gottheim 1971 Digital File COLOR SOUND 11 mins
End of the Art World With Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper John... Alexis Krasilovsky 1971 Digital File COLOR SOUND 35 mins
Confessions "Just as outrageous is Curt McDowell's CONFESSIONS... Curt McDowell 1971 Digital File B&W OPT 11 mins
Time Offed A strange and haunting vision of the catharsis inv... Doug Wendt 1971 Digital File B&W OPT 13 mins
Discount House This film depicts a man in search of a relationshi... Al Wong 1971 Digital File COLOR SOUND 21 mins
Snow A section from ROLLS: 1971, which I feel stands we... Robert Huot 1971 Digital File B&W SILENT 3 mins
Turning Torso Drawdown "...(a) serialist comparison-contrast of the varia... Robert Huot 1971 Digital File COLOR/B&W SILENT 16 mins
Los Angeles Station Portrait of a small community living by the railro... Leandro Katz 1970/76 Digital File COLOR SILENT 10 mins
Golden Positions,The "A lovely, poetic, humorous and crystal investigat... James Broughton 1970 Digital File COLOR/B&W SOUND 32 mins
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