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Title Description Filmmaker Year Format Color Sound Length
10 Short Films (Volume 3) XY Chromosome Project, 12 min. 2007
Lynne Sachs 2007 DVD COLOR SOUND 65 mins
  3 Experimental Short Films (INDEX DVD) Austrian artist VALIE EXPORT has been an influenti... Valie Export 1973-1984 DVD PAL COLOR SOUND 45 mins
37-73 With Jake Leed, Kelly Myers, Mary Leed, Marjory My... Richard Myers 1974 DVD B&W SOUND 60 mins
60's Experiments A compilation program of films by Taka iimura made... Takahiko Iimura 1962 DVD     50 mins
  68 Convention For institutional purchase,... Tom Palazzolo 1968 DVD COLOR SOUND 30 mins
9 Biscuits 2004-2008 9 Biscuits 2004-2008 from the "Nice Biscuits" chap... Luther Price 2004-08 DVD BOTH SOUND 60 mins
A City In Four Parts and Other Films 2009-2019 This is a DVD collection of short films by Jon Beh... Jon Behrens 2009-2019 DVD COLOR SOUND 62 mins
A Collection of Films Exploring Women, Culture, Science and Myth (Volume I) A Biography of Lilith (35 min)
Lynne Sachs 2005 DVD COLOR SOUND 65 mins
A Letter From Greenpoint (Re:Voir DVD) In February 2004, after 30 years of my life in SoH... Jonas Mekas 2004 DVD PAL COLOR SOUND 80 mins
  Abstract Works Includes the short films:
Goodbye Pig (201...
Anna Geyer 2003-2011 DVD COLOR/B&W SOUND 21 mins
  Acéphale - Patrick Deval "An ascetic prince wanders aimlessly, lectures at ...   1967-1968 DVD PAL COLOR SOUND 76 mins
  Action Films (INDEX DVD) Action Films

Kurt Kren#s Action films are the m...
Kurt Kren 1964-1967 DVD PAL COLOR SOUND 45 mins
Acts of Light (Complete Trilogy): Rate of Change, Angular Momentum & Circles of Confusion ACTS OF LIGHT is a trilogy consisting of RATE OF C... Bill Brand 1972-1974 DVD-R COLOR SOUND 53 mins
Age Is... (Re:Voir DVD) "AGE IS... is a new feature meditating on the subj... Steve Dwoskin 2012 DVD PAL COLOR SOUND 75 mins
AIUEO NN Six Features Produced by Takahiko Iimura. Utilizes "System G," ... Takahiko Iimura 1994 DVD COLOR SOUND 7 mins
  AIUEO NN Six Features (plus Additional Versions) "Interactive: A I U E O NN Six Features", a new CD... Takahiko Iimura 1993 DVD COLOR SOUND 15 mins
Akran Electronic music by Fred Coulter. With Bob Ohlrich... Richard Myers 1969 DVD B&W SOUND 118 mins
  All This Madness A documentary about the 9/11 World Trade Center te... Walter Ungerer 2003 DVD BOTH SOUND 79 mins
Alone, Apart: The Dream Reveals the Waking Day An homage to two ramshackle cities, made up of foo... Mark Street 2004 DVD COLOR SOUND 7 mins
An Anagram A video by Daniel Barnett

Communism is not onl...
Daniel Barnett 2003 DVD COLOR SOUND 42 mins
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