Browse Films
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- A
- A Beginning a Middle and an End
- A Better Relationship With The Unknown
- A Bronx Morning - Jay Leyda
- A City in Four Parts
- A City In Four Parts and Other Films 2009-2019
- A Collection of Films Exploring Women, Culture, Science and Myth (Volume I)
- a Darkness Swallowed
- A Delicate Message
- A Dreadful Day
- A Film Containing Trees
- A Fire's Poem
- A Joy
- A La Campagne, A Khan-Tan-Su (Into the Country, to Khan-Tan-Su)
- A Leaf is the Sea is a Theater
- A Letter From Greenpoint (Re:Voir DVD)
- a little prayer (H-E-L-P)
- A Logic Sore
- A Month of Single Frames
- A Mystery Inside of a Fact
- A New England Document
- A Petal Pushed By a Breeze
- A Preface to Red
- A Question of Sunlight
- A Roll for Peter
- A Room with a Coconut View
- A Set of Miniatures
- A Small Fragment of a Day That Belongs to 20 Years Ago
- A Small Place
- A Song For Some Reason
- A To Z
- A Year
- A Year in Notes and Numbers
- Ablution
- Absence
- Abstract Movies - George L.K. Morris
- Abstract Works
- Abstronic - Mary Ellen Bute
- Acceleration
- Access To The View
- Accursed Mazurka
- Acéphale - Patrick Deval
- Across the Border
- Across the Street
- Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes, The
- Action Films (INDEX DVD)
- Acts of Light (Complete Trilogy): Rate of Change, Angular Momentum & Circles of Confusion
- Acts of Light: Angular Momentum
- Acts of Light: Circles of Confusion
- Acts of Light: Rate of Change
- Adagio
- Adam Went On To Till the Soil... But What Happened to Eve?
- Adebar
- Adebar--35mm
- Adieu Beausejour
- Adirondak Holiday
- Adobe Noise
- Adoration of Suzie
- Adria Holiday Films 1954-1968
- Adrift
- Adventure Parade, The
- Adventures of Aargh-X (Wildman of Mystery) Episode One
- Adventures of Jimmy
- Aeon
- After Bed
- After DeCarava
- After Synchromy
- After the Circus
- Aftermath
- Against Time
- Agantukayan / Strangers
- Age Is... (Re:Voir DVD)
- Aged in Wood
- Agnus Dei Kinder Synapse
- Ahead In Paris
- Ahem
- AI (love)
- Ainslie Trailer
- Air's Rock
- Airborne
- Airs
- AIUEO NN Six Features
- AIUEO NN Six Features (plus Additional Versions)
- Akbar
- Akran
- Al Neil: A Portrait
- Alaya
- Albumleaf
- Alchemy
- Aleph
- Aleph (untitled)
- Aliados
- All Major Credit Cards
- All My Life
- All Saints Day
- All Saints Day II
- All Stars
- All That Sheltering Emptiness
- All That's Solid
- All This Madness
- Allegretto
- Allison
- Alone
- Alone, Apart: The Dream Reveals the Waking Day
- Alone, Life Wastes Andy Hardy
- Along the Way
- Alpsee
- Altair
- Alternative Views
- Alvaro
- Amarillo Ramp
- American 30's Song
- American Dreams
- American March, An
- Amphetamine
- Amusement Ride
- An Afternoon at Oyster Bay
- An Alchemical Christmas Carol (aka The Alkie Xmas Song)
- An Anagram
- An Optical Poem - Oskar Fischinger
- An Optical Printer Duet
- Anaconda Targets
- Analogies
- Analytic Studies I: The Film Frame
- Analytic Studies II: Un-Frame-Lines
- Analytic Studies III: Color Frame Passages
- Analytic Studies IV: Blank Color Frames
- Anastomosis
- Anathema
- Anatomy of a Bombing
- Ancestors
- And By The Night
- And Sometimes the Boats are Low
- And the Rice Grows By Itself
- And The Sea Is Yours
- And the Show Must Go On
- And Then We Marched
- Anderson/Loosely
- Andy Warhol's Unfinished Symphony
- Anémic Cinéma - #1 - 1926 release - Rrose Sélavy-Marcel Duchamp
- Anémic Cinéma - #2 - mystery interpolated scenes - Rrose Sélavy-Marcel Duchamp, Unknown
- Angel Beach
- Angel Blue Sweet Wings
- Angels'
- Angry God, The
- angus mustang
- Animal Studies
- Animal, Animal (Song for the Fate of Animals)
- Animal, The
- Animals Moving to the Sound of Drums
- Animals of Eden and After, The
- Animals Running
- Animated Films - Suzan Pitt
- Ann, A Portrait
- Anna Spilt the Oil
- Anomalies of the Unconscious
- anomie
- Another Horizon
- Another Void
- Anselmo
- Anselmo and the Women
- Antechamber
- Anthology of Boats
- Anticipation of the Night
- Antigone/Rites of Passion
- Antipode Polychromasia
- Apollo
- Apoplectic Walrus, The
- Aporia I
- Aporia II
- Aporia III
- Aporia IV
- Aporia V
- Apparition, The
- Appearance
- Apple Summer
- Apricity
- April
- Aquarien
- Arabic 0 + 10
- Arabic 1
- Arabic 11
- Arabic 12
- Arabic 13
- Arabic 14
- Arabic 15
- Arabic 16
- Arabic 17
- Arabic 18
- Arabic 19
- Arabic 2
- Arabic 3
- Arabic 4
- Arabic 5
- Arabic 6
- Arabic 7
- Arabic 8
- Arabic 9
- Arapadaptor (I Feel So)
- Arbor
- Arbor Vitae
- arcana
- Architecture of Desire, An
- Are There Fairies Dancing on the Lawn? ...And if There Are Can I Catch Them in a Net?
- Arequipa
- Argonaut, The
- Ariel
- Arnulf Rainer
- Arnulf Rainer--35mm
- Around
- Around the World in Thirty Years
- Art of Survival, The
- Art Of Worldly Wisdom
- Articulation of Boolean Algebra for Film Opticals (Finale)
- ARTIFACT (Circa 2006)
- Artificial Paradise
- Artist Speaks
- As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty
- As Is Is
- As Is Was
- As Long As There Is Breath
- As Seen on TV
- As So Was I
- As The Wheel Turns
- Ascension
- Ascent
- Ash and Apple
- Asiam
- Aspect
- Associations
- Astor Place
- At Eden's Heart
- At Sea
- At the Academy
- At Your Heels
- Atalanta 32 years Later
- Athyrium filix-femina
- Atlantis
- Atmos Fear
- Attractions, Instructions and Other Romances (INDEX DVD)
- Au Sud (To the South)
- Aubade
- Audience
- August and After
- August Moon and See
- Aurelia: Or Echo in Her Eyes Part #3
- Auto Pos
- Autogenic Threshold
- Automatic Writing 2
- Autumn
- Autumn Fire - Herman G. Weinberg
- Autumn Leaves
- Autumnal
- Avant-Garde Home Movie, An
- Avraham
- Awaiting Summer
- Awake, But Dreaming
- Awful Backlash, The
- Ay Que Pelos
- Az Iz
- B.F.D.
- B.L.M.
- B/Side
- Babel Town
- Babobilicons
- Babuba
- Baby in a Rage
- Babylon Series
- Babylon Series #2
- Babylon Series #3
- Back and Forth
- Back in the Saddle Again
- Backcomb
- Bad and the Beautiful
- Bad Burns
- Bad mama, who cares
- Badwater Next Right
- Bagatelle
- Bagatelle I
- Bagatelle II
- Baglight
- Bal-Anat
- Balancing
- Bali Mechanique
- Ballet Mechanique - #1 - 2K digital restoration 2015 - Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy
- Ballet Mechanique - #2 - SD restored 2001, 2005 - Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy
- Bang
- Barn Rushes
- Basic Training
- Bat El Drinking Water and Other Signs
- Bathtub Shot, The
- Battements Solaires (Solar Beats)
- Battle Stations--A Navel Adventure
- Bay-Bee
- Be Like Them
- Beach (La Plage), The
- Beach Events
- Beach Walk
- Beale Street
- Beat Films
- Beat It
- Beautiful Funerals
- Beautiful Movie
- Beaver Fever
- Because the Sky is Blue
- Bed, The
- Beech Tree (2 screen)
- Beech Tree - Illumination
- Before Need Redressed
- Before We Knew Nothing
- Behind the Noise
- Behind This Soft Eclipse
- Behindert (Hindered)
- Beijing 1988
- Beirut 2.14.05
- Belle du Jour
- Bells of Atlantis - Ian Hugo
- Below the Fruited Plain
- Benedict Arnold
- Bent Time
- Benton City, July 2011
- Ber-Lin 99/00
- Between Gold
- Between Relating and Use
- Beyond Enchantment
- Beyond Kabuki
- Bicycle
- Big Baby
- Big Stick/An Old Reel
- Big Story
- Big Sur: The Ladies
- Bill and Ruby
- Billabong
- Biography of Lillith, A
- Bird
- Bird Shit Studie #3
- Birds in the Window
- Birds of Paradise, The
- Birth of a Nation
- Birth of Aphrodite, The
- Birth of Seth Andrew Kinmont
- Black and White Film
- Black and White Trypps Number Four
- Black and White Trypps Number One
- Black and White Trypps Number Three
- Black and White Trypps Number Two
- Black Dawn - Josef Berne
- Black Heat
- Black Ice
- Black Jackets and Choppers
- Black Oak Fallen
- Black Oud, The
- Black Power, We're Goin' Survive America
- Black Sheep Boy
- Black Tower, The
- Black Vision
- Black-Eyed Susan (Portrait of an Actress)
- Blackbirds
- Bladderwort Document
- Blanket Statement #1: Home is Where the Heart Is
- Blanket Statement #2: All or Nothing
- Blätter im Herbst (Leaves in Autumn)
- Blazes
- Bleu Shut
- Blind Light
- Blood
- Blood Of The Doe
- Blood Story
- Blood Test
- Blossom-Gift/Favor
- Blue Diary
- Blue Hat
- Blue Moses
- Blue Movie
- Blue Movie
- Blue Movie (Rimmer)
- Blue Skies Beyond the Looking Glass
- Blue Value
- Blues
- Boat
- Body Politic
- Bolex
- Bon Ami
- Book of Dead
- Bopping the Great Wall of China Blue
- Boston Fire
- Both
- Bottle Can by Luther Price
- Boulder Blues and Pearls and ...
- Boulevard
- Bouquet
- Bouquets 1-10
- Bouquets 11-20
- Bouquets 21-30
- Brain in the Desert
- Brainwashing
- Brancusi's Sculpture Ensemble at Tirgu Jiu
- Breakdown
- Breakfast/ Table-top Dolly
- Breaking Time Package Parts 1-4 | Part 1 (Mortgage on My Body); Part 2 (Arrested); Part 3 and 4 (Lien on My Soul and Portrait Not a Dream)
- Breaking Time: Part 1: Mortgage on My Body
- Breaking Time: Part 2: Arrested
- Breaking Time: Part 3-4: Lien on My Soul and Portrait Not a Dream
- Breaking With Old Ideas
- Breath
- Breath
- BreathDeath
- Breathe in; Breathe out
- Breathing
- Brennen Soll Columbus N Medina, A
- Bride Stripped Bare, The
- Bridge 1A
- Bridge 1C
- Bridge Man, The
- Bridges-Go-Round
- Brig, The
- Bright
- Broken Earth - Roman Freulich
- Broken Footnotes
- Broken Soldiers
- Brooklyn Promenade
- Bruce Baillie Volume I (Tung, Mass....,Valentin..., Castro St., All My Life)
- Bruce Baillie Volume III, Quick Billy
- Bruce Baillie Volume II: Here I Am, Quixote
- Bruges
- Budapest Portrait (Memories of a City)
- Buffalo Common
- Buffalo Diaries
- Buffalofilm
- Bulletin
- Bullets for Breakfast
- Bullets for Breakfast - Holly Fisher
- Burial Path
- Burning Text, The
- Burying the Past - Legacy of the Mountain Meadows Massacre
- Bushes of the Rhineland
- But No One
- But What Do We Do?
- By Halves
- By the Lake
- By the Lake (Au Bord du Lac)
- By the Sea
- By the Sea
- Bye Bye Bob
- Bye Bye Now
- C.C. Beam Goes for a Walk
- Cabbage
- Cable Car Melody
- Cage, The
- Caligari's Cure and Added Lessons
- Call to Mind (Re:Voir DVD)
- Calling All Cars
- Calypso's Cloak
- Calyx
- Camp Terezin
- Canadian Pacific
- Canal Cinema
- Candy
- Candy Colors: An Interview with Stan Brakhage, 1985
- Cannonball Section, The
- Cannot Exist
- Cannot Not Exist
- Canon
- Canticles
- Carabosse
- Caracole (for Cecilia)
- Caracole (for Izcali)
- Caracole (for Mac)
- Carbon Arc
- Careless Passage
- Carol
- Carolee, Barbara & Gunvor
- Carousel
- Carriage Trade
- Cartoon Le Mousse
- Cassis
- Castaic Lake
- Casting a Glance
- Castro Street
- Caswallon Trilogy
- Cat of the Worm's Green Realm, The
- Cat's Cradle
- Cat's Cradle
- Cat's Cradle Wind Lock Heart
- Catalog
- Catastrophe and Convenience
- Catfilm for Katy and Cynnie
- Cathode Garden
- Cats
- Cayuga Run
- Centre
- Centuries of June
- Certain Things
- Certaines Observations
- Cerveza Bud
- Cetology
- Cezannescapes #1 and #2
- Ch'an - Francis Lee
- Chabrot
- Chambers of the Fire Dream
- Chamnan
- Champ Provencal
- Chance Hand
- Chants and Dances for Hand
- Chapters One to Five
- Charlatan
- Charlemagne 2: Piltzer
- Charlemagne Palestine: The Golden Sound - Anne Maregiano
- Chartres Series
- Chateau/Poyet
- Cheshire Smile
- Chicago
- Chickenstew
- Child's Garden and the Serious Sea, A
- Children of the Golden West
- Chimera
- Chinese Firedrill
- Chinese Series-16mm
- Chinese Series-35mm
- Chinese Typewriter, The
- Chiquitita and the Soft Escape
- Chorus
- Christ Mass Sex Dance
- Christ of the Rooftops
- Chromesthetic Response
- Chronic
- Chronicles of a Lying Spirit (by Kelly Gabron)
- Chuck's Will's Widow
- Chulas Fronteras
- Churubusco Inventory
- Ciao Bella
- Cigarette Blues
- Cigarette Burn
- Cinderella Sneeze
- Cine Dance: The Butoh of Tatsumi Hijikata
- Cinema Metaphysique No. 5
- Cinema Metaphysique Nos. 1-4
- CINEMA'A, o de cómo curar el mal de archivo
- Cinemas de traverse - Frédérique Devaux, Michel Amarger
- Cinematic Abstractions
- Circles (Kreise)
- Circumstantial Pleasures
- Circus Girls
- Circus Savage
- city at heart
- City City, Day Night
- City Edition
- City Opera
- City Streaming
- City Symphony
- Cityscapes (Re:Voir DVD)
- Clancy
- Clay
- Clear Ice Fern
- Clepsydra
- Clinic of Stumble
- Clip
- Close Quarters
- Clothed In Muscle- A Dance of the Body
- Cloud Chamber
- Clown by Luther Price
- Coalfields
- Coda
- Codes of Conduct
- Coffee
- Cold War Blues or Effects of the Bomb Varied, But...
- colibrí
- Collected works of Alice Anne Parker (Severson)
- Colliding
- Collision of Parts
- Colophon (for the Arboretum Cycle)
- Color Cry
- Color of Love, The
- Color Time
- Color-Blind
- Coloratura
- Colored Relations
- Colour Flight and Kaleidoscope
- Colour Separation
- Coming Attractions
- Coming Attractions
- Coming Up For Air
- Commingled Containers
- Commiseration Moon
- Common Knowledge
- Compline
- Composition in Blue
- COMPUTATIONAL SUBLIME: Films by Gregg Biermann
- Concentrate Forget
- Concept Tapes (1975-1987)
- Concrescence
- Concrete Parlay
- Concrete: Boston City Hall
- Condition of Illusion - Peter Gidal
- Confederation Park
- Confession
- Confessions
- Confessions of a Black Mother Succuba
- Confrontation at Kent State
- Confrontation at Kent State & Allison
- Conical Solid
- Conjuror's Box
- Connemara
- Conquered
- Conquest Piece
- Conscious
- Conservatory
- Consume
- Continuum
- Contractions
- Cool Hands, Warm Heart
- Cooperation of Parts
- Cop, The
- Copper Green
- Corbusierhaus
- Corn
- Cornell 1965
- Cornucopia
- Coronation
- Corpus Callosum
- Cosas de mi Vida
- Cosmic Alchemy
- Côté Jardin
- Couleurs Mécaniques
- Counterpane
- Coupling
- Courts-Métrages (Re:Voir DVD)
- Covert Action
- Cowboys Were Not Nice People
- Cows
- Crack Glass Eulogy
- Cracks Between the Stones
- Creation
- Crepescule: Pond and Chair
- Cricket Requiem
- Critical Mass
- Cross-Cut--A Blue Movie
- Crossroad
- Cuadro por cuadro (Frame by Frame)
- Culture, this period is considered
- Cum Foo
- Cup and the Lip, The
- Curious Light
- Currents / Perpendicolare Avanti
- Cut
- Cut-Out Animation: Larry Jordan
- Cycles 1
- Da
- Da Capo
- DA Johnston: Selected Films
- Dada Cinema
- Dada Universal Clip - Mary Ellen Bute
- Damned if You Don't
- Dana Plays Volume I
- Dana Plays Volume II
- Dana Plays Volume III
- Dana Plays Volume IV
- Dana Plays Volume V: Pop-Up Edition
- Dance
- Dance
- Dance Films - Maya Deren
- Dance Journal
- Dance Journal & Ladies of the Dance
- Dance of Life, The
- Dance, The
- Dance, The (Rimmer)
- Dance/Lines in Space
- Dangling Participle
- Danse Macabre - Dudley Murphy
- Dante Quartet 35mm
- Dante Quartet, The
- Danzante
- Dark Clouds Over the Lake, Lone Bird Flies North, Through the Rain
- Dark Dark
- Dark Night of the Soul
- Dark Tower, The
- Das Goldene Tor (The Golden Door) - Jürgen Reble
- Das Neue Monster
- Daughters of Chaos
- Daume
- Day of the Fox, The
- Day Residue
- Day then Night
- Daybreak and Whiteye
- Daylight
- Daylight Moon
- Daylight Test Section
- Days of Dan
- De Luce 1: Vegetare
- De Luce 2: Architectura
- Dead Day Display Note
- Dead Earth
- Dead End, Dead End
- Dead, The
- Deadman, The
- Deafening Silence
- DEAL!!
- DEAL!!
- Dear Janice
- Dear Little Lightbird
- Dear Rock
- Death Day - Sergei Eisenstein
- Death of Alex Litsky, The
- Death Valley Love Letter
- Deathstyles
- Decay of Fiction, The
- December
- Deciduous
- Deck Works
- Decodings
- Deconstruction Sight
- Decroux's Garden
- Deep 1
- Deep Westurn
- Deer Census
- Deer Children
- Degrees of Limitation
- Dejeuner du Matin
- Del Mero Corazon
- Delaware Park
- Delicacies of Molten Horror Synapse
- Deliqium
- Delirium
- Demise of Doctor Petronius, The
- Demolition of a Wall
- Demonstration
- Demonstration '68
- Den of Tigers
- Department of the Interior
- Departure
- Departures: Schmeerguntz, My Name is Oona, Take Off, Moons Pools (Re:Voir)
- Deposit of Faith
- Depression in the Bay of Bengal, A
- Desaparecer
- Descending a staircase
- Deseret
- Desert
- Desert Abstractions
- Desistfilm
- Despedida
- Detroit Park
- Deus Ex
- Deutschland Spiegel
- Deux Fois - Jackie Raynal
- Developing Memory
- Devil's Dairymaid
- Devotions
- Diagram Film
- Dialogues
- Diana - The Huntress - Charles W. Allen
- Diary 1974-1975
- Die
- Die Nacht (Dedicated to Phil Solomon)
- Different Kind of Green, A
- Diffraction Film
- Dig
- Diploteratology
- Dirty
- Discount House
- Discoveries on the Forest Floor 1-3
- Displaced Person
- Distance
- Divertimento
- DiviNation
- Divine Horsemen - Maya Deren
- Divine Mannequin
- Divine Miracle, The
- Divinity Gratis
- Dizzy Gillespie
- Do Poznania: Conversations in Poland
- Doctor Petronius, Seducer of Women
- Document Unearthed
- Dog Star Man Package
- Dog Star Man Prelude
- Dog Star Man: Part 1
- Dog Star Man: Part 2
- Dog Star Man: Part 3
- Dog Star Man: Part 4
- Doggie Diner and Return of Doggie Diner
- Dogs
- Dogs of the Forest
- Doll with Hole
- Domain of the Moment, The
- DOMESTIC : Selected Films & Video 1981-2001
- Domicile
- Dominion
- Don Fidencio
- Door
- Doorway
- Dóra Maurer - Thinking in Proportions
- Dora Myrtle
- Dot 2 Dot/Tete a Tete
- Double Strength
- Doubt
- Down Hear
- Down on the Farm
- Down the Alley
- Down the Road
- Down Wind
- Downs are Feminine
- Dozer
- Dr. Hawaii
- Dracula and the Baby Sitter
- Dragon
- Drawn and Quartered
- Dream 733
- Dream Age
- Dream Merchant, The
- Dream Screen
- Dream Screen, The
- Dream Sphinx
- Dream Work (for Man Ray)
- Dream, NYC, The Return, The Flower, The
- Dreamer, The
- DreaMinimalist - Marie Losier + Tony Conrad
- Dreamwood
- Drift
- Drift and Bough
- Driving Demons
- Dry Wood
- Dub Film
- Ducksarenodinner
- Duermete Ninita
- Dufus (aka Art)
- Dunes of Truro
- Duo Concertantes
- Duplicity
- Duplicity II
- Duplicity III
- Dusty Stacks of Mom: the Poster Project
- Dwightiana
- Dyketactics
- Dyn Amo
- Dyn Amo (Re:Voir DVD)
- e motion al stud ees
- E-pis-to-lar-y: letter to Jean Vigo
- Early Conceptual Videos
- Early Film Poems 1962-1971
- Early Films, Ungerer (1965-1973)
- Early Works
- Early Works - Hans Richter
- Earthen Aerie
- Earthquake Haggadah, The
- Earthsong of the Cricket, The
- Easter Blues
- Easyout
- Eaux D'Artifice
- Echo Anthem
- Echo in Her Eyes, Parts 1 and 2
- Echoes of Silence - Peter Emanuel Goldman
- Ecstatic Vessels
- Edge of Alchemy
- Edison Butterfly [Serpentine] Dance
- Edwina Marlow
- EF
- Eg Anda-Sigur Ros
- Egg
- Egyptian Series
- Egyptology
- Ein Baum fur die Engelmanner
- Ein Traum Der Liebenden
- El Capitan
- El Día Que Me Quieras (The Day You'll Love Me)
- El Dia Tarasco
- El Guaraches
- El Train Film
- El Train Film--Second Version
- El Valley Centro
- Elasticity
- Elective: ART
- Electreat
- Electric Dreams: The Cinema of Janice Findley
- Electronic Moon No. 2
- Elegy in the Streets
- Element
- Elementary Phrases
- Elements
- Elements
- Eli's Moon
- Elixir
- Ellen Banks
- Ellen on the Rope
- Elsa merdelamerdelamer + VIS A VIS
- Elusive Beauty
- Emanations
- Ember Days
- Embracable You
- Emit a Beam, See a Light
- Emotions in Metal
- Empire
- Encounters I May Or May Not Have Had With Peter Berlin
- End
- End of the Art World
- Endangered
- endings
- Endless
- Endless
- Englewood Cottonwood
- Enid's Idyll
- Enthusiasm
- Entr'acte
- Entr'acte II
- Entr'acte III
- Entry Note
- Ephemeral Solidity
- Ephesus
- Epicenter U.
- Epileptic Seizure Comparison
- Epileptic Seizures, Nos. 1-8 - Walter G. Chase
- Epilogue to Oobieland (Part Five)
- Erika: Not in Vain
- Erogeny
- Erotic Signal, The
- Erotic Trilogy
- Errata
- Erruption Errection
- Ethna's Suite, So Long
- Euclidean Illusions
- Evel and the Snake
- Even As You and I - Harry Hay
- Evening is Young, The
- Ever Wanting (for Margaret Chung)
- Everbest, Virgil
- Evergreen
- everyday star
- Everything's For You
- Everywhere at Once
- Everywhere at Once
- Evidence Series Complete
- Evolution - Jim Davis
- Evolution of the Red Star
- Excerpts from ROLLS: 1971
- Excess, Black Noise, and Fast Moving Pictures
- Excursions
- Exile
- Exile
- Expect the Unexpected
- Experimental Films - Maya Deren
- Experiments in New York
- Expert Witness
- Exposures
- Expulsion
- Exquisit Corpses
- Exquisite Hour, The
- Eye for Eye, Ear for Ear
- Eye Myth
- Eye Myth Educational
- Eye Myth--35mm
- Eye of Count Flickerstein
- Eyes
- Eyewitnesses in Foreign Countries
- Fable: I Want the World Clean
- Face of Faces
- Face of Faces / Nude Descending the Stairs
- Face the Facts
- Facts and Figures
- Fades and Close-Ups
- Faerie-Monition
- Fairytale
- Fake Fruit Factory
- Falcon, The
- Fall
- Fall in Frame
- Fall Trip Home, A
- Fall Works
- Fallen World, The
- Falling
- Falling Lessons
- Falling Notes Unleaving
- Family Album, The
- Fantasies
- Fashion Avenue
- Father Movie
- Faust 3: Candida Albacore
- Faust 4
- Faust's Other: An Idyll
- Faustfilm: An Opera Part 1
- Fauve
- Faux Movements (wrong moves)
- Faux Paw
- Fearful Symmetry
- February
- February 2008 & June 1967
- Feelings Are Facts: The Life of Yvonne Rainer
- Female Mystique and Spare Leaves (for Gordon)
- Feriado
- Fever
- Fever Dream
- FF
- Field Study #2
- Fifteen Song Traits
- Figure and I
- Figure of Speech
- Filament (The Hands)
- Filet of Soul
- Film Achers
- Film Diary #10: Eyefull Portraits
- Film Diary #11: A Cosmic, Covid 70th Birthday Party
- Film Diary #12: Buffalo 1969
- Film Diary #1: Robert Fulton III
- Film Diary #2: No Nothing Cinema
- Film Diary #3: In Memory of Kurt Kren
- Film Diary #4: Forest Lawn Cemetery
- Film Diary #5: Last Temptation of Christ
- Film Diary #6: 1984 Democratic National Convention
- Film Diary #7: Psalm Sunday
- Film Diary #8: Papa John Creach
- Film Diary #9: Water Fall
- Film Diary Series: Parts #1-9
- Film Feedback
- Film for Invisible Ink, Case No. 142: Abbreviation for Dead Winter [Diminished by 1,794]
- Film for Invisible Ink, Case No. 323: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST
- Film for Invisible Ink, Case No. 71: Base-Plus-Fog
- Film For....
- Film Graphics: Abstract Aspects of Editing
- Film Independents 1964
- Film ist
- Film No. 11 (Mirror Animations)
- Film Nos. 1-5, 7, & 10 (Early Abstractions)
- Film Poem Octet
- Film Watchers
- Film, A
- Film-Wipe-Film
- Film/Speaks/ Many/Languages
- Filming Bizarrov
- Filmmaker
- Filmmakers
- Filmpiece for Sunshine
- Films by Gordon Ball
- Films from a Dark Room (INDEX DVD)
- Films of Jay Rosenblatt Volume I: Restricted; Short of Breath; The Smell of Burning Ants; Human Remains; King of the Jews
- Films of Jay Rosenblatt Volume II: Afraid So; Phantom Lamb; I Just Wanted to Be Somebody; The Darkness of Day; Paryer; The D Train; Nine Lives: The Eternal Moment of Now; Worm; Way to Your Heart
- Films of Marjorie Keller Volume 2: 1983-1991
- Films of Marjorie Keller: Volume 1 1973-1980
- Films of Roger Jacoby Volume 1: Futurist Song; L'Amico Fried's Glamorous Friends; Dream Sphinx; Floria; Pearl and Puppet
- Films Without Words The Collaborative films of Jon Behrens and R.K. Adams
- Filter Beds
- Finds of the Fortenight
- Fine French Phrases and Other Fables
- Finished
- Fire Belly
- Fire Fly EYE
- Fire of Waters
- Firefly
- Firepage
- Fireworks
- First Comes Love
- First Hymn to the Night -- Novalis
- First Light on South St.
- First Time Here
- Fish and Liposuction
- Fisherman: A Birthday Wish
- Fissures
- Fist Fight
- Five Artists: BillBobBillBillBob
- Five Bad Elements, The
- Five Film Exercises - No. 1
- Five Film Exercises - No. 2-3
- Five Film Exercises - No. 4
- Five Film Exercises - No. 5
- Five Improvisations
- Fl.oz
- Flaming Creatures
- Flapping Things
- Flash
- Flashbacks
- Flesh Flows
- Flesh of Morning
- Flicker (Unsteady Motion)
- Flicker, The
- Flickering of the Mind's Eye, The
- Flight
- Flight
- Flight
- Flight
- Flip Film
- Floating Under a Honey Tree
- Floorshow
- Florence
- Floria
- flower, the boy, the librarian
- Flowers #3 (Kissed by the Sun)
- Flowers of the Sky
- Fluffy Fluffy Calm Calm
- Fluorescent Girl
- Flush it!
- Flutter
- flux
- Fluxfilm Anthology
- Fluxus Replayed
- FlyHole
- Fog Line
- Following the Object to Its Logical Beginning
- Follows The Leader
- Footnote to Fact - Lewis Jacobs
- Footprints in the Snow
- Footsteps
- For a Conjuring
- For a Winter
- For a Young Filmmaker / A une jeune cineaste
- For Alice Speir
- For Filmic Meditation
- For God While Sleeping
- For Iona
- For Nelie and Maria
- For Richard
- For the Mending
- For Them Ending
- Foregrounds
- Foreign Film Series
- Forgotten Tenor
- Form Phases I
- Form Phases III
- Form Phases IV
- Forsaken
- foryannfromrose
- foryannfromrose - hair removed
- Found and Lost
- Found Out
- Fountain of Youth
- Four Corners
- Four Films by Palazzolo (vol II): Ricky and Rocky, Love It, Leave It, O, Jerry's Deli
- Four Films: Note to Poli; Portrayal/Sheryl Kaye; Portrayal/Near Site; Shmateh III
- Four Frames
- Four in The Afternoon
- Four Shadows (Elective Affinities, Part III)
- Four Short Films (with Liquid Interlude) Colin Barton--Skull For You, Side Show of the Damned (preview trailer); Part 2; Skull Two You!
- Fourth Watch, The
- Fox Fire Child Watch
- Fractious Array
- Fractive Clusters
- Fragment of A Lost Film
- Fragments From the Ruins of Fallen Films and Other Fallout
- Fragments One
- Frame
- Frame Line
- Frank
- Freedom on the Inside
- Freedom's Skyway
- Freeform
- Freeze Frame
- Frequency Objects
- Frequent Seas
- Friend Film
- Friend Good
- Friendly Witness
- Frog on the Swing, A
- From Hetty to Nancy
- From Loops
- From Romance to Ritual and Martina's Playhouse
- From the Family of Eggs
- From The Ladies
- Fugitive Chef
- Fuji
- Full Moon Notebook
- Fulton Fish Market
- Funk
- Fur of Home, The
- Fur of This Animal, The
- Furies, The
- Furry's Gift (Furry Lewis)
- Further Adventures in the North Woods, Including Recipes for Life on Earth, How it all Began, and What Went Wrong
- Fuses
- Futility
- Futurist Song
- Gallery 3
- Game
- Gap-Toothed Women
- Garage Door Part 1 &2, A
- Garage Door, Part 3
- Garden of Earthly Delights
- Garden of Earthly Delights--35mm
- Garden of Eden
- Garden Path
- Gardener of Eden, The
- Gargantuan
- Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers--short version
- Gaudi & Cezannescapes
- Gems
- Generations
- Gently Down the Stream
- Geography of the Body
- George
- George Dumpson's Place
- Georgia
- Georgic for a Forgotten Planet
- Get Out of the Car
- Getting It Together
- Ghost Algebra
- Ghost in the Machine
- Gift
- Gimhanaye Netra / The Eyes of Summer
- Ginko Yellow
- Girl and a Bicycle
- Girl Chewing Gum, The
- Girl from Marseilles, The
- Girl is Presence
- Girl's Nervy, The
- Give Chance A Chance: A Portrait of Hans Richter
- Glacier Blues, The
- Glass
- Glass
- Glass Face
- Glass Shadows
- Glass System, The
- Glaze of Cathexis
- Glens Falls Sequence - Douglass Crockwell
- Glistening Thrills
- Glitter for Girls
- Gnir Rednow
- Go Go Go
- Go Like This
- Go-Go Rama Mama
- Goat
- God of Day Had Gone Down Upon Him, The
- God Respects Us When We Work But Loves Us When We Dance
- Going Back Home
- Golden Hour
- Golden Positions,The
- Goodbye Pig
- Governor, The
- Gradiva
- Gradiva
- Grain Graphics
- Grand Canary, The
- Grass
- Grease
- Great Blondino, The
- Great Goddess, The
- Greed, or Buffalo Baba
- Green (Rhoads, aka Luther Price)
- Green Dream
- Green Mountain
- Greenfield
- Greenpoint
- Greetings to the Ancestors
- Gregg Biermann: Short Works
- Gridrose
- Grow Old Along With Me
- Guacamole
- Guerrilla Commercial
- Guiding Fictions
- Gulls and Buoys
- Guns of the Trees (Re:Voir DVD)
- Gutai
- Gwynn Tank
- Gymnasts, The
- Gymnopedies
- H2O - Ralph Steiner
- Habana, 2006
- Habitat
- Habitat Batrachian
- Haiti - Rudy Burckhardt
- Half Human, Half Vapor
- Half Sister
- Hall of Mirrors
- Hallelujah the Hills - Adolfas Mekas
- Hallowed
- Hamfat Asar
- Hamlet Act
- Hand Eye Coordination
- Hand Held Day
- Hands - Ralph Steiner
- Hands Down
- Hands: The Life and Loves of the Gentler Sex - Stella Simon
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Birthday Lenny
- Happy Birthday to John
- Happy-End
- Happy?
- Hard Core Home Movie
- Hardwood Process
- Harmonica
- Harper's Bazar
- Have Another Espresso
- Have You Thought of Talking to the Director?
- He Needs Dark to See
- He Said Without Moving
- He stands in a desert counting the seconds of his life (Re:Voir DVD)
- He Stole My Gun
- He Was Born, He Suffered, He Died
- He Who Eats Children
- Health on Wheels
- Hear
- Hearts
- Heavy Metal
- Heavy-Light
- Hell Spit Flexion
- Hello Skinny
- Her Glacial Speed
- Her Silent Seaming
- Here I Am
- Here Today Gone Tomorrow (aka Rushlight)
- Here, There, Now, Later
- Hermes Bird
- Hexes
- Hhhhh
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- Hide and Seek
- Hide Out, The with On Their Honor
- Hideout, The
- High Kukus
- Highs
- Highway Landscape
- Hildur and the Magician
- History Lessons
- Histrionic Response Section
- Hit the Turnpike!
- HK Uprising
- Hoarders Without Borders 1.0
- Holding
- Hollis Frampton 1936-1984
- Home Less Home
- Home Stories
- Hommage
- Hommage To Jean Tinguely's "Hommage to New York"
- Honey/Moon
- Honor and Obey
- Horizons (Elective Affinities, Part I)
- Horizontal Boundaries
- Horror Dream
- Horse Over Tea Kettle
- Horse/Kappa/House
- Horseman, The Woman, and the Moth, The
- Hot Air Specialists
- Hot Leatherette
- Hot Nasty
- Hot Pepper
- Hotel Cartograph
- Hours for Jerome Part I
- Hours for Jerome Part II
- House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
- House Without Steps, The
- How a Sprig of Fir Would Replace a Feather
- How Among the Frozen Words
- How The Hell I Ripped Jack Goldstein's Painting In The Elevator
- How to Be a Homosexual Part I
- How to Be a Homosexual Part II
- How to Beat a Dead Horse
- Howie
- Hub City
- Hula
- Human Remains
- Hummingbird Wars, The
- Hurrah for Soldiers, A
- Hurry! Hurry!
- Hybride: Johanna Vaude
- Hymn in Praise of the Sun
- Hymn to Her
- I am
- I am not there
- I am The Night
- I Began to Wish
- I Can be Happy Trapped in a Living Room With a Rabbit That Has No Eyes
- I Change I Am the Same
- I Like Camels
- I Married a Muchkin
- I My Bike
- I Saw Where You Was Last Night
- I Take These Truths
- I Tried to write a Love Letter with My Body
- I Used to be a Filmmaker
- I Wake Up with a Flower in My Hand
- I Was a Contestant at a Mother's Wet T-Shirt Contest Contest
- I Was A Male Yvonne De Carlo
- I Was a Teenage Serial Killer
- I Was/I Am
- I'd Rather be in Paris
- I'll Walk With God
- I...
- I...Dreaming
- Ice
- Ich Bin Ein Junger Hupfer
- Idea, The
- Idunha Zen
- If I Were Any Further Away I'd Be Closer to Home
- If Only
- If the War Continues
- If X, Then Y
- If You Stand With Your Back to the Slowing of the Speed of Light in Water
- Ignorance Before Malice
- Ikarus
- Image by Images IV
- Image in the Snow
- Image, Flesh, & Voice
- Images of Afghanistan
- Images of Asian Music (A Diary from Life 1973-74)
- Images of Broken Face
- Images of the Sleeper
- Imagined Or Real
- Immer Zu
- Imperfect Video
- Implosions
- Impossible Love
- Impromptu
- In & Out
- In A Summer Garden (Part 2)
- In a Year with 13 Deaths
- In Bed
- In Between
- In Consideration of Pompeii
- In Heaven There Is No Beer?
- In Loving Memory
- In Marin County
- In Memoriam (Mark LaPore, 1952-2005)
- In Memory
- In Mother's Way
- In Order Not to Be Here
- In Our Sky
- In Progress
- In the Company of Women Part 1
- In the Company of Women Part 2
- In the Course of Human Events
- In the face of god
- In the Land of Giants
- In the Land of Owl Turds
- In the Stone House
- In the Street - Helen Levitt
- In Titan's Goblet
- In Which there Appears Trains, a Carousel, and Rain
- Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
- Incantation
- Indelible, Inedible
- Individual Desires Solution, An
- Ineluctable Modality of the Visible
- Inferential Current
- Inferno
- Inferno, i saw you on my way to the garden
- Ingreen
- Injury On A Theme
- Innesti Neri e Bianchi
- Innocents Abroad
- Inside Dope
- Inside Doubt
- Inside Story
- Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine
- Instructions on How to Make a Film
- Inter-x
- Interference
- Interim
- Interior
- Interior Ape
- Interior Garden
- Interior Landscape (Re:Voir DVD)
- Interlude
- Intermission
- Interplay
- Interpolations 1-5
- Interval
- Intestinal Fortitude
- Intimate Stranger
- Intimations
- Into the Mass (dual projection)
- Into the Wild
- Intrigue
- Introduction to Humanities
- Introduction to Oobieland (Part One)
- Introduction to the Holy Scrolls
- Introduction to the Secret Society
- Introspection
- Intrusion
- Investigation of a Flame
- Invisible Adversaries (INDEX DVD)
- Invisible Moustache of Raoul Dufy, The
- Invocation
- Invocation of My Demon Brother
- Is As Is
- It Gets Bumpy
- It Happened In Sarasota
- It makes me wanna
- It Will Die Out In The Mind
- It's Over
- It's This Way at Deel Ford
- Italia Experimental Films and Videos 1980-2005
- Italian Places
- Its a condition
- J.A.C.L.W. & S. Part 1
- J.A.C.L.W. & S. Part 2
- J.A.C.L.W. & S. Part 3
- Jacobs' Ladder
- Jai Ete Au Bal (I Went to the Dance)
- Jakob
- Jamestown Baloos
- Jane
- Jane Brakhage
- Jane, Looking
- January Journal
- Jardin du soleil (Sun Garden)
- Jardins du Marais (Marsh Gardens)
- Jeevithaye Mayawa / Imitation of Life
- Jelly Fish Sandwich
- Jesus Trilogy and Coda, The
- Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
- Jewel Face
- Jidyll
- John Cage Performs James Joyce
- Johnnie
- Jolicoeur Touriste
- Jon Behrens Selected Experimental Short Films
- Journal and Remarks
- Journey
- Journey, Swiftly Passing
- Journey, The (Complete Package, 19 reels)
- Journey, The - Reel 1
- Journey, The - Reel 10
- Journey, The - Reel 11
- Journey, The - Reel 12
- Journey, The - Reel 13
- Journey, The - Reel 14
- Journey, The - Reel 15
- Journey, The - Reel 16
- Journey, The - Reel 17
- Journey, The - Reel 18
- Journey, The - Reel 19
- Journey, The - Reel 2
- Journey, The - Reel 3
- Journey, The - Reel 4
- Journey, The - Reel 5
- Journey, The - Reel 6
- Journey, The - Reel 7
- Journey, The - Reel 8
- Journey, The - Reel 9
- Jours en Fleurs
- Juggling
- July '71 in San Francisco, Living at Beach Street, Working at Canyon Cinema, Swimming in the Valley of the Moon
- July 8th, 2016
- Jungle Girl
- Jungle Island
- Just a Thought
- Just Another Notion
- Just Between Me and God
- Just For Fun
- Just Words
- Kalendar
- Kali's Revue
- Karl-Marx-Allee
- Kathleen Trailer (for Underground Cinema 12)
- Kay Rosaire and Her Lions
- Keeping Things Whole
- Kelsey
- Keralargo
- Khorosho
- Killman
- Kinder Rose Prelude
- Kindering
- Kindless Villain
- Kinetoscopes: Dance Work Play - W.K.L. Dickson
- King Midas
- King of the Jews
- Kino Da!
- KINOSTURM KUBELKA/16 variaciones
- Kirsa Nicholina
- Kiss of Death, A
- Kitchener-Berlin
- Kitsch In Synch
- Kladno
- Knee Jerk
- Knot/Not
- Knowledge They Cannot Lose, A
- Kolijevka
- Kolkata
- Kongostraat
- Kore/Kouros
- Kres
- Kriminalistik
- Kristallnacht
- Kristina's Harbor
- Kristina's Harbor and Old Digs
- Kubelka One Man Show
- Kubelka One Man Show--35mm and 16mm
- Kunst Life Parts 1-3
- Kustom Kar Kommandos
- L'amico Fried's Glamorous Friends
- L'Ange (The Angel)
- L'Arrivee
- L'automne - Marcel Hanoun
- L'avenida de la Luz (Avenue of Light)
- L'Eclat du Mal (The Bleeding Heart)
- L'envol
- L'été - Marcel Hanoun
- L'hiver - Marcel Hanoun
- L'imdomptable
- LA Carwash
- La cuarta plantación
- La Mer - Ovady Julber
- La Région Centrale
- La Reina
- Lackluster
- Lake Orion
- Lamentations
- Landfall
- Landform 1
- Lands of the Sea/Tierras del Mar
- Landscape (for Manon)
- Landscape and Desire
- Landscape Dissolves: Selected Films, 2009-2016 (Re:Voir DVD)
- Landscape Suicide
- Lapis
- Las Manos
- Last Days in a Lonely Place
- Last Days of Eddie Marsicano, The
- Last Gasp
- Last Happy Day, The
- Last Hymn to the Night - Novalis
- Last Lost
- Last March, The
- Last Ten Minutes of Existence
- Last Words
- Late December, East of the Sierras
- Latent Light Excavations
- Later Later Dutch Master Later
- Later That Same Night
- Lawyer, The
- Lay Down Tracks
- Le gateau with long nails
- Le printemps - Marcel Hanoun
- Lead Shoes, The
- Leading Light
- Leafless
- Leaky Mountain
- Leap, The
- Learning to Slump
- Leaves
- Leche
- Legend of Parts, A
- Len Lye Package: Color Cry; Rhythm; Free Radicals; Tal Farlow; Particles In Space
- Les Coquelicots (Poppies)
- Les Tournesols
- Les tournesols colorés
- Let a Thousand Parks Bloom
- Let Me Try To Explain
- Let Them Eat Cake
- Let Us Persevere In What We Have Resolved Before We Forget
- Let Your Light Shine
- Let's Make a Movie
- Lets Make a Sandwich
- Letter, The
- Letter: Japan
- Letters
- Letters from Vancouver
- letters, notes
- Liberation (Portrait of Berenice Reynaud)
- Liberty (in 3 movements)
- Lie Back & Enjoy It
- Life During Death Death During Life
- Life on Earth
- Life On The Mississippi
- Life Transpo
- Lifelines
- Lift Little Tokyo
- Light and Dark
- Light Coins
- Light Hit
- Light Lick: Amen
- Light Lick: Az Sent
- Light Lick: Born Under a Bad Sign
- Light Lick: By the Waters of Babylon: In the Hour of the Angels
- Light Lick: By the Waters of Babylon: Jamming
- Light Lick: By the Waters of Babylon: This May be the Last Time
- Light Lick: Daily Camera
- Light Lick: Detour
- Light Lick: Get it While You Can
- Light Lick: I Saw the Light Praise the Dark
- Light Lick: Love Stain
- Light Lick: Only Sunshine
- Light Lick: Pardes: Drowned Hat Rescue Media City Motown Jump
- Light Lick: Pardes: Night Time is the Right Time
- Light Lick: Pardes: Wild Blue Yonder
- Light Pharmacy
- Light Pharmacy Part #4
- Light Rhythms - Francis Bruguière
- Light Signal
- Light Sleeping
- Light Study
- Light Year
- Light Years
- Light Years Expanding
- Light, Noise, Smoke, and Light, Noise, Smoke
- LightFall
- Lil Picard
- Lilly
- Lilting Towards Chaos
- Lima Limpia (Clean Lima)
- Limitations
- Lincoln Logs For Jesus
- Line Describing a Cone
- Line of Apsides
- Line of Fire
- Lion and the Zebra Make God's Raw Jewels, The
- Lion in the Wind
- Lion's Tale, A
- Liquid
- Little Geezer (His Rise and Fall) - Theodore Huff
- Little Girl
- Little Jesus (Hippie Hill)
- Little Lieutenant
- little present (for my friend columbus the explorer)
- Little Swahili Dancers
- Living Lessons in the Museum of Order
- Living Room, The
- Loads
- Local Activity
- Local Knowledge
- Lodz Symphony
- Lonesome Cowboy
- long ago, far away
- Long Eyes of the Earth
- Look and Learn
- Look Park - Ralph Steiner
- Looking at the Sea
- Looking for Jiro
- Looking Glass Insects
- Looking In, Looking Out
- Loom, The
- Looney Lens Series - Pas de deux - Al Brick
- Loony Tom
- Loose Ends
- Los
- Los Angeles Station
- Los Ojos
- Lost and Found
- Lost Films, The
- Lost Lost Lost (Re:Voir DVD)
- Lost Motion
- Lost Note
- Lost Tribe
- Lot in Sodom - #1 - Uncensored 1.37 version - J.S. Watson, Jr.
- Lot in Sodom - #2 - Censored 1.20 print - J.S. Watson, Jr.
- Lotus
- Lotus-Eyed Girl
- Loud Visual Noises (Silent Version)
- Loud Visual Noises (Sound Version)
- Love Games (Liebesspiel)
- Love It/Leave It
- Love of 3 Oranges
- Love Stories My Grandmother Tells, Part 1
- Love's Refrain
- Love, Lynn
- Lovers, The
- Lovesong
- Lovesong 2
- Lovesong 3
- Lovesong 4
- Lovesong 5 and 6
- Loving
- LP
- Lucifer, God's Most Beautiful Angel
- Lulu
- Lulu Faustine
- Luminae
- Lun
- Lunch with Fela
- Lure
- Lurk
- M. Lavelle, Physical Culture, No. 1 - Frederick S. Armitage
- Ma Sewing
- MA: A Japanese Concept; MA:Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoan-Ji; MA (Intervals)
- MA: Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoan-Ji
- Machette Gillette
- Machine of Eden
- Maciré
- Mad Dance: A Mental Health Film Trilogy
- Made in Chinatown
- Made in Maine
- Made Manifest
- Madison, October 2010
- Maestro: King of the Cowboy Artists, The
- Magic of Radio, The
- Make Haste, Slowly
- Make Sure the Sea Is Still There
- Mala Leche
- Malady of Death, The
- Mammals of Victoria, The
- Man & Woman & Animal
- Man and His Dog Out For Air, A
- Man In A Bubble
- Man in the Dark Sedan
- Man is in Pain
- Man On A Horse
- Man We Want to Hang, The
- Man Who Could Not See Far Enough, The
- Mandala Films (Re:Voir DVD)
- Mangosteen
- Manhatta - #1 - 2K digital restoration, music 2008 - Charles Sheeler, Paul Strand
- Manhatta - #2 - SD restored 2001, music 2005 - Charles Sheeler, Paul Strand
- Mao Tse Tung, The Greatest Revolutionary of Our Times
- Marasmus
- Marc and Ann
- March, The
- Marginalia
- Marietta's Lied
- Marilyn's Window
- Marjory's Diary
- Market Street
- Marks of Reference
- Marquette Park (Chicago Nazis) - Part 1 and 2
- Martin
- Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore
- Masked Incident
- Masks of Illusions
- Masquerade
- Mass for the Dakota Sioux
- Massage
- Massillon
- Master Plan
- Material Excess
- Material Excess & The Waters of Casablanca
- Maternal Filigree
- Matins
- Matter of Clarity
- Matters of Life and Death
- Max
- May 12, 2022
- May 35
- Maya at 24
- Maya Double-Bottomed Bowl
- Mayday!
- Mayhem
- Meandering
- Meanwhile
- Measuring 500 Feet
- Mechanical Principles - Ralph Steiner
- Mechanics of Love, The
- Media Darling
- Median Strip
- Meditation 1: Lost Dog
- Meditation on Violence - New HD restored version - Maya Deren
- Meet Me Jesus
- Megalopolis
- Mekong
- Melting
- Melts into Air
- Memento Mori
- Memo Book, The
- Memorial Day Portrayal
- Memories of an Unborn Baby
- Memory
- Memory Eye
- Memory of August
- Mendocino
- Menses
- Mental Radio (a.k.a. Open Kennedy)
- Mercy
- Merry Go Round in the Jungle, The
- Meshes of the Afternoon - New HD silent restored version - Maya Deren
- Mesmer
- Messages
- Metalodeon Trailer
- Metamorphosis in Logic
- Metanomen
- metronome
- MeTube
- Mexican Jail Footage
- Mexico
- Mi Barrio
- Micro Garden
- Micro-Celluloid Incidents in 4 Santas
- Micromoth
- Midnight Trailer
- Migration
- Milk and Glass
- Milk and Honey
- Milking & Scratching: Hand Made Films By Naomi Uman
- Millbrook
- Millennium Screening
- Minerva Looks Out Into the Zodiac
- Miracle of Change, The
- Miracle of Don Cristobal, The
- Miracle on 34th Street
- Miracle, Un
- Mirror
- Mirrors and Screens
- Mirrors Today
- Misconception
- Misery Next Time
- miss
- Miss Jesus Fries on Grill
- Missing Something Somewhere
- Mission Movie Theatres
- Mission San Juan
- Mission Stop
- Mnemosyne Mother of Muses
- Moat
- Mobile Phone Studies Nos. 1-25
- Mobius
- Mock Up On Mu
- Modular on the Spot
- Moieties, The
- Moilsome Toilsome
- Moment
- Moment
- Moments of Illumination
- Money
- Money
- Money
- Monitoring the Unstable Earth
- Monk it Up
- Monsters in the Closet
- Monstershow
- Montage
- Montessori Sword Fight
- Moon 1969
- Moon Streams
- Moonland - Neil E. McGuire
- Moonlight Sonata
- Moose Jaw
- Moose Mountain
- More Italian Places
- Morning Procession In Yangchow
- Morning, Noon, Night; Water, Land and Sky
- Mosaic Garden
- Mosaik in Vertrauen
- Mosaik in Vertrauen--35mm
- Mosori Monika
- Motel 6 (Not A Thriller)
- Moth-Eyed Man, The
- Mother's Day
- Mother's Day
- Mothlight
- Motion Painting 1
- Motion Studies: Ninety Five
- Mouches Volantes (Elective Affinities, Part II)
- Mountain Home
- Mountain State
- Mountain View
- Movement of Light At Night, The
- Moving In
- Moving Pictures
- Moving Still
- Mr. Boogie Woogie
- Mr. Frenhofer and the Minotaur
- Mr. Hayashi
- Mr. Motorboat's Last Stand - John Flory
- Mr. Sandman
- Mr. Tri-State
- Mr. Wonderful (Rhoads, aka Luther Price)
- Mujer De Milfuegos
- Multiple Orgasm
- Muratti Marches On (Muratti greift ein!)
- Muratti Privat
- Murder Psalm
- Muscles & Flowers
- Muse of Cinema
- Musical Stairs
- Mute
- Mutiny
- My Alchemy
- My Dear Evaporant,
- My Good Eye
- My Life, My Times
- My Mink (Unowned Luxuries #2)
- My Name is Oona
- Mystery of Life (as Discovered in Los Angeles), The
- Myth in the Electric Age
- N.Y., N.Y. - Francis Thompson
- N:O:T:H:I:N:G
- Nancy Spero: A Conversation with the Artist
- Naos
- Narcotics. In the Next Room
- Narrow Rivers, Open Seas & Seventeen Sunsets (Silences for A Merchant Mariner)
- Natural History
- Natural Order
- Naughts
- Near The Big Chakra
- Near Windows
- Necrology
- Necromancy
- Nectar of the Cyclops
- Negative / Positive Film
- Negative Kid, The
- Nemesis
- Neptunian Space Angel
- Nermish Gothic, A
- New Beginnings and False Starts
- New Fancy Foils
- New Improved Institutional Quality: In the Environment of Liquids and Nasals a Parasitic Vowel Sometimes Develops
- New Left Note
- New Moon
- New Shores
- New Year Sun
- New York Day and Night
- New York Eye and Ear Control
- New York Near Sleep for Saskia
- New York Portrait, Chapter I
- New York Portrait, Chapter II
- New York Portrait, Chapter III
- Newsprint
- NewsW
- Newt Leaders
- Newt Pauses
- Nicaragua: Hear-Say/See-Here
- Nigeria
- Night Awake
- Night Hunter
- Night Light
- Night Mulch and Very
- Night Mulch and Very--35mm
- Night Stream
- Night Train
- Night with Gilda Peck, A
- Nightcats
- Nightclub, Memories of Havana in Queens
- Nightmare
- Nightmare Series
- Nightmusic - 16mm
- Nightmusic - 35mm
- Nimbus
- Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria, La
- Nine Lives (The Eternal Moment of Now)
- Nitrate Kisses
- No 5 Reversal
- No Action
- No Art of Memory
- No End
- No Garden Beyond
- No Land
- No Moon
- No No Nooky TV
- No Outlet
- No President
- No Sir, Orison
- No-Zone
- Noa, Noa
- Nobody's Business
- Nocturnal Omissions
- Nocturne
- Nocturne
- Nocturne
- Nocturne
- Nocturne
- Nodes
- Noema
- Nomads
- Non Catholicam
- Normal Love
- North Beach
- North On Evers
- Not A Music Video
- Not Clear Cut
- Not For Nothin'
- Not Much Time
- Note One
- Note To Colleen
- Note to Erik
- Note To Pati
- Note to Poli
- Note to Tetsua
- Notebook
- Notes
- Notes After Long Silence
- Notes from the Periphery
- Notes of An Early Fall (Part One)
- Notes on Marie Menken - Martina Kudlácek
- Notes on the Circus
- Nothing is Over Nothing
- Nous
- November Morning
- November Sketches
- Now, The
- Nuclear Family
- Nude Decending the Stairs
- Nude Study
- Nuptiae
- Nursing History
- O Death
- O No Coronado
- O Panama
- O'er the Land
- Oasis
- Object Conversation
- Object Lesson - Christopher Young
- Observations in Natural Philosophy
- Observeillance
- Observer/Observed
- Occam's Thread
- Odds of Recovery
- OdilonOdilon
- Odyceka
- Odyssey
- Off Handed Jape, The
- Off the Pig
- Office Suite
- Offon
- Oh
- Oh Dem Watermelons
- Oh Life, A Woe Story, The A-Test News
- oh my homeland
- Oil and Water
- Oil on Canvas
- Oil: A Symphony in Motion - ARTKINO
- Old Digs
- Old House Passing, The
- Old World
- Olivia's Place
- Om
- Ommatidia
- On Any Given Thursday
- On Duration in Film
- On Eye Rape
- On Strike
- On Sundays
- On the Corner
- On The Line
- On the Line
- On the Logic of Dubious Historical Accounts, 1969-1972
- On The Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant Garde Artist be Wholed
- On the nature of the bone
- On The Occasion Of Your Birthday
- On the Pond
- On the Various Nature of Things
- On Their Honor
- On This Day
- On Time in Film/Video
- On Your Own
- Once Upon a Time
- One
- One and the Same
- One Document for Hope
- One Frame Duration
- One Minute Movies
- One Romantic Adventure of Edward, The
- One Second in Montreal
- One Way Boogie Woogie / 27 Years Later
- One Way to Find Out
- One Woman Waiting
- One Year
- Oneiro: In the Shadow of Isadora
- Only the Beginning
- Ontogeny
- Oolite
- oona
- Optic Nerve
- Optimism
- Opus I (Three Preparations / A Glance / Peach Landscape)
- Oramunde - Emlen Etting
- Orange Glow
- Orb
- Orbit
- Orchard
- Organic Vampire, The
- Ornamentals
- Orpheus Underground
- Orpheus Underground; Transformation of Persephone
- Other
- Other Reckless Things
- Our Eyes Are Armed
- Our Gay Brothers
- Our Lady of the Sphere
- Our Lady of the Sphere (35mm)
- Our Trembling Way
- Our Trip
- Out of the Blue
- Out of the Ether
- Outer Space
- Overstimulated
- Oz
- P.C.T.F.
- Pacific Far East Line
- Paint
- Painted Memories of Forgotten Times
- Painting the Town
- Palimpsest
- Palm Down
- Pandora's Dresser
- Panels for the Walls of Heaven
- Paper Sister
- Parable of the Tulip Painter and the Fly
- Parabola - Mary Ellen Bute
- Parachute
- Paradise Springs
- Paradox
- Parallel Inquiries
- Parallel Space: Inter-View
- Paranoia Corridor
- Parcelle
- Parents' Visit
- Paris X 2
- Parking Lot of Dreams, The
- Particles in Space and Tal Farlow (on one reel)
- Pasadena Freeway Stills
- Pasht
- Passage a L'Acte
- Passage du désir
- Passage of the Bride, The
- Passage Through: A Ritual
- Passage Upon the Plume
- Passengers
- passing through/torn formations
- Passio
- Pasteur 3
- Pastorale D'Ete
- Pastourelle
- Pat's Birthday
- Path of Cessation
- Path, The
- Paul Sharits - François Miron (Re:Voir DVD)
- Pauline
- Pause!
- Pavane
- PBL #2
- Peace Pickets Arrested For Disturbing The Peace
- Peaceable Kingdom
- Peach Landscape
- Pear Tree
- Pearl and Puppet
- Pearl Diver
- Peed into the Wind
- Penfield Road, The
- Penny Bright and Jimmy Witherspoon
- Pensao Globo
- People
- People In Pain
- People in the House, The
- People on Sunday
- Perfect Delight
- Performanc/Myself in Camera
- Performance/Myself or Video Identity
- Perils
- Periodic Vibrations in an Elastic Medium
- Peripeteia 1
- Peripeteia 2
- Perisphere
- Permutations
- Permutations And Combinations
- Persian Pickles
- Persian Series, The 1-5
- Persian Series, The 13-18
- Persian Series, The 6-12
- Persistence
- Petit Mal
- Petrified Dog, The
- Peyote Queen
- Phantogram
- Phantom Canyon
- Phantom Limb
- Phantom Rhapsody
- Phantom Ride
- Pharaoh's Belt
- Phenix
- Philip Whalen
- Phoebe And Jan
- Phone/Film Portraits
- Photograph of Wind
- Picking up the Pieces
- Pictures 4 Barbara
- Pie in the Sky - Nykino
- Piece Mandala/ End War
- Piece Touchee
- Piensa En Mí
- Pieta
- Pig Power
- Pink Film
- Pink Swine
- Pink Venise I Like
- Pitchfork and the Devil
- Pixiescope
- Piyut I-V
- Place Between our Bodies, The
- Place d'Or
- Place Mattes
- Planned Obsolessons
- Plaster
- Plastic Haircut
- Plates
- Pleasure Garden, The
- Plotting The Grey Scale: 2 or 3 Quick Traverses
- Plumb Line
- Pneuma
- Poem 8 - Emlen Etting
- Poemfield No. 1
- Poemfield No. 1 [blue version]
- Poemfield No. 2
- Poemfield No. 3
- Poemfield No. 5
- Poemfield No. 7
- Poet's Dream
- Poetry and Truth / Dichtung und Wahrheit
- Poetry and Truth / Dichtung und Wahrheit--35mm
- Point de Gaze
- Polite Madness
- Poma Granata
- Pond
- Pond and Waterfall
- Pony Glass
- Pools
- Por dentro somos color (On the inside we are color)
- Porch Film: 76 Day St. #2
- pornfilm
- Porter Springs 3
- Porter Springs 4
- Portland
- Portrait of a Young Man - Henwar Rodakiewicz
- Portrait of Sharon
- Portrait of the Poet as James Broughton
- Portrait One, Earl James Baker
- Portrait Two, The Young Lady
- Portraits
- Positive Thinking
- Post-Modern Daydream
- Postcard from San Miguel
- Posthaste Perennial Pattern
- Potamkin
- Potted Psalm, The
- Pouring Grain
- Powerman
- Prague Winter
- Prayer for the Torture Memos
- Prayer Wheel
- Pre-Hibernation News
- Prefaces
- Pregnant Moment, A
- Prelude
- Prelude
- Prelude
- Prelude & Song for Koko
- Prelude & Song for the Pain-body
- Premonition
- Preponderance of Evidence, A
- Presence, The
- Present Tense
- Presents
- Preview
- Preview
- Prima Materia
- Primitiva
- Print Generation
- Private Movie
- Process of Elimination
- Process, The
- Production and Decay of Strange Particles, The
- Program #1: Stinky Wieners and Dreamy Beavers
- Program #2: Peeing Into the Wind
- Prometheus
- Promises
- Protective Coloration
- Provided by the Management
- Proximity
- Psychoecho (Re:Voir DVD)
- Psychokillers
- Psychosynthesis
- Pterodactyl
- Puamana
- Public Domain
- Puce Moment
- Puddle
- Pulling Down the Sky to Give You the Sun
- Pulse
- Punishment Park
- Purity, and After
- Push Button: A History of Idleness and Ignorance
- Put the Brights On
- Putzo
- Pwdre Ser the rot of stars
- Pythoness
- Qualties of Stone
- Quarry Movie
- Quarry, The
- Queen of Night Gotta Box of Light
- Queen's Quay
- Quick Billy
- Quick Opener
- Quick's Thicket
- Quiet Afternoon with Strangers, A
- Quiproquo
- Quixote
- Quixote Dreams
- Rabbit's Moon
- Rad Plaid
- Radiation
- Radio Adios
- Radio Dynamics
- Radio Wave of Blood Beneath the Dirt Ice and Flowers
- Radius
- Rafael
- Rage Net
- Raindance
- Rambling Notes
- Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen
- Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen (Re:Voir DVD)
- Rampla Juniors
- Range
- Rape
- Raps and Chants, Part I
- Raps and Chants, Part II
- Ray Gun Virus
- Ray's Birds
- razor's edge
- Razzle Dazzle
- Reading 1974 30th Anniversary Edition
- Real Italian Pizza
- ReButter
- Recent Computer and Digital Works, Ungerer
- Recital
- Reckless
- Reckless Eyeballing
- Recordando El Ayer
- Recreation
- Recycled Realizations
- Red Book, The
- Red Rooster/The Look of Love (Rhoads, aka L. Price)
- Red Shift
- Red Shovel
- Red Stockings / Cross-Cut - A Blue Movie / Black and White Film
- Red Stockings and Cross Cut--A Blue Movie
- Red Thread, The
- Redshift
- Reflections
- Reflections on Black
- Reflections on Japan
- Refraction
- Reframe
- Regarding Motion
- Regional Cooking
- Rehearsals for Retirement
- Reid's Records
- Relativity
- Releasing Human Energies
- Remains to be Seen
- Rembrandt, Etc., and Jane
- Remedial Reading Comprehension
- Reminiscence
- Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithunania
- Removed
- Respectable Creatures
- Resting Place
- Restless
- Restricted
- Resurrectus Est
- Reternity
- Retour d'un repère (Recurrence)
- Retrospectroscope
- Return, The
- Returning the Shadow
- Reve d'Or
- Revelation of the Foundation
- Revelations
- Reverse Shadow
- Revolution
- Revolver
- Rhizome
- Rhythm in Light - Mary Ellen Bute
- Rhythmos I
- Rhythms (Re:Voir DVD)
- Ricky
- Riddle of Lumen, The
- Ride Like Lightning, Crash Like Thunder
- Rien d'extraordinaire (Nothing Special)
- Right Eye/Left Eye
- Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The
- Rising Tide
- River in Castle
- River Rites
- Riverbody
- Riverglass
- Road Film
- Rock n Roll Girls
- Rockaway
- RocketKitKongoKit
- Rocking Chair
- Rodia-Estudiantina
- Rolls (1971)
- Roman Numeral I
- Roman Numeral II
- Roman Numeral III
- Roman Numeral IV
- Roman Numeral IX
- Roman Numeral V
- Roman Numeral VI
- Roman Numeral VII
- Roman Numeral VIII
- Romance in Solitude
- Ron Amok (Dog Party)
- Ronnie
- Room in His Heart
- Room List
- Roots, Thorns
- Rose and Rose Elaine
- Rose Lowder : BOUQUET D'IMAGES (Re:Voir DVD)
- Roseblood
- Roslyn Romance (Is It Really True?)
- Roswell
- Rot Ligh
- Roulement, Rouerie, Aubage
- Rounds
- RR
- RR
- Rubber Cement
- Ruby Red
- Ruby Skin
- Rude Awakening
- Rue des Teinturiers
- Rules of the Road
- Ruling Star
- Rumble
- Run by Luther Price
- RUN!
- Runaway
- Runner
- Runs Good
- Rushes
- Ryoanji
- S-8 Diaries: 1987/89
- S:Stream:S:S:ection:S:ection:S:S:ectioned
- Sabbia
- Sacred Art of Tibet
- Saint Flournoy Lobos-Logos and the Eastern Europe Fetus Taxing Japan Brides in West Coast Places Sucking Alabama Air
- Saisonnier
- salamander o dictus
- Salivation of Professor Bizarrov
- Salome
- Salt Garden / Jardin du Sel
- Salt of the Sea
- Salve
- Sambhoga-Kaya
- Same Difference
- Same Stream Twice
- San Cristobal
- Sanctus
- Sand Castle
- Sand Castle 2
- Sandwoman's Moon
- Sans Titre
- Sappho
- Sappho
- Sarabande
- Sarafree
- Sarah From Roberts
- Sarah Pucill Early Shorts: You Be Mother, Milk and Glass, Backcomb, Mirrored Measure
- Sasquatch Amongst Us
- Satan's Guru
- Satrapy
- Saugus Series
- Saul's Scarf
- Sausage City
- Saving the Proof
- Say What
- SB (One minute for Vienna)
- Scanning
- Scar Tissue
- Scary Movie, The
- Scattered Remains
- Scattering Stars
- Scenes de la Vie Francais: Paris
- Scenes de la Vie Francaise: Avignon
- Scenes de la Vie: La Ciotat
- Scenes from Allen's Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (Re:Voir DVD)
- Scenes From the Life of Andy Warhol
- Scenes From Under Childhood Part 1 (Sound Version)
- Scenes From Under Childhood Part 2
- Scenes From Under Childhood Part 3
- Scenes From Under Childhood Part 4
- Schizophrenia Of Working For War
- Schizy
- Schmeerguntz
- Schubert's Lantern
- Schwechater
- Schwechater--35mm
- Science Fiction
- Science Friction
- Scorpio Rising
- Scotch Tape
- Scotty Snyder (All Around the Table)
- Scrape
- Scratch
- Scratch
- Scratches, Inc.
- Screen, Projector & Film
- Sculpture of Ron Boise, The
- Sea View Movie
- Searching for My Mother's Garden
- Seashore
- Season's Change, The
- Seasonal Forces Part 1
- Seasonal Forces Part 2
- Seasons...
- Seated Figures
- Second Coming, The
- Second Sighted
- Second Skin
- Secondary Currents
- Secret Garden, The
- Secret of Quetzacotal
- Secret Story, The
- Secrete of Life, The
- Secure the Shadow... 'Ere the Substance Fade
- See Know Evil
- See Saw Seems
- See You Later/Au Revoir
- Seeing in the Dark
- Seeing Through the Body
- Seeing/Hearing/Speaking
- Selected Films 1973-1993, Welsby
- Selected Works 1996-2009 by David Sherman: Tuning the Sleeping Machine, To Re-edit the World, The Graceless, Roman Chariot, Work Song, OM (for Allen Ginsberg)
- Selections from the European Journals
- Selective Memory
- Selective Service System
- Self Portrait Post Mortem
- Self Song/Death Song
- Self-Portrait
- Seminoles, Alligators, and Football Players (a Florida Rivalry)
- Semiotics of Sab
- Senses of Time
- Separation, The
- Septuagenarian Collaborations
- Septuagenarian Collaborations
- Sergei Eisenstein's Mexican Footage - excerpts - Sergei Eisenstein
- Sermons and Sacred Pictures
- Seven Days
- Seven Minutes In May
- Seven Portraits
- Seventy-Six at Home
- Sex Pistols at the Berlin Wall (aka Berlin Graffiti)
- Sex, Politics & Sticky Rice
- Sexual Meditation #1: Motel
- Sexual Meditation: Faun's Room, Yale
- Sexual Meditation: Hotel
- Sexual Meditation: Office Suite
- Sexual Meditation: Open Field
- Sexual Meditation: Room With View
- Sexual Saga
- SFAI (Art Institutionalized)
- Shades of Meaning
- Shadow and Act
- Shadow Knows, The
- Shadow Line, The
- Shaman Psalm
- Shameless
- Shanghaied Text, The
- Shape of a Surface
- Shape of the Gaze, The
- Shapes and Gestures
- Shards
- Sharon and the Birds on the Way to the Wedding
- She Carries the Holiday in Her Eyes
- She Is Away
- She Puppet and The Star Eaters
- She/va
- Shells and Rushes
- Shibuya-Tokyo
- Shine
- shipfilm
- Shmateh II
- Shmateh III
- Shmateh IV
- Shockingly Hot
- Shored Against A Ruin
- Shores of Phos, The: A Fable
- Short
- Short Film Series
- Short Film Works (Re:Voir DVD)
- Short Films 1975 1-10
- Short Films 1976
- Short Films Volume II
- Short Films Volume III: Ijime, Ilime II, Tziporah, North Side/South Side, Garden, Jack Haber
- Short Fuse
- Short of Breath
- Short Shave
- Shot-Countershot
- Show and Tell
- Show Leader
- Show Me Other Places
- Shrimp Boat Log
- Shrine
- Shut Out the Sun
- Sicómoro
- Side Seat Paintings Slides Sound Film
- Sidewinder's Delta
- Siesta
- Signal
- Silence
- Silent Cry
- Silent Preparation
- Silent Sister
- Silent Sonatas
- Silk Ties
- Silver Returns, The
- Silvercup
- Simple Destiny Abstractions - Douglass Crockwell
- Sinar Durjana (Wicked Radiance)
- Sincerely
- Sincerity
- Sincerity II
- Sincerity III
- Sincerity IV
- Sincerity V
- Singing in Oblivion
- Sink or Swim
- Sins of the Fleshapoids - Mike Kuchar
- Sirius Remembered
- Sisters!
- Site Visit
- Sitting
- Six Films By Larry Brose/ Film for Music for Film
- Six Films By Tyler Turkle (Special Package)
- Six Films Prepared by Gibbs Chapman
- Six Loop Paintings
- Six Windows
- Skagafjordur
- Skein
- Sketches After Halle
- Skin Flick
- Skinside Out
- Skullduggery
- Sky and Ground
- Sky Blue Water Light Sign
- Sky Light
- Skyscraper Film
- Skyscraper Symphony - Robert Florey
- Skyworks, the Red Mile
- Skyworks, Wind & Fire
- Slavko Vorkapich Montage Sequences - Slavko Vorkapich
- Sleepers, The
- Sleeping Dogs (Never Lie)
- Sleepless Nights Stories (Re:Voir DVD)
- Sleepwalk
- Sleepwalker
- Sleepy Haven
- Sliced Life 2017
- Sliced Life 2018
- Sliced Life 2019
- Sliced Light
- Sliding Off the Edge of the World
- Slow Fireworks
- Slow Glass
- Sluice
- Small Events
- Small Ones, The
- Smell of Burning Ants, The
- Sneakin' and Peekin'
- Snow
- Snow / Spray / Scratch
- So Is This
- So Many Ideas Impossible To Do All
- So Much More to Say: Conversation with Harvey Brody: Artist
- So Sure of Nowhere Buying Times to Come
- Soccer Game, The
- Social Skills
- Sodom
- Soft Fiction
- Soft Shoe
- Software
- Sogobi
- Sol
- Solar Sight
- Solar Sight II
- Solar Sight III
- Soldiers and Other Cosmic Objects
- Solitary Acts #4
- Solitary Acts #5
- Solitary Acts #6
- Solstice (Part Three)
- Soma
- Somber Accomodations
- Some Exterior Presence
- Some Manipulations
- Some Mistakes I Have Made
- Some Phases of an Empire
- Some Women Writers Kill Themselves: Selected Videopoems and Poetry by Alexis Krasilovsky
- Something Between Us
- Something blue
- Somewhere Between Jalostotilan and Encarnacion
- Sonata For Pen, Brush, and Ruler
- Sonatina & Fugue
- Song
- Song 27: Part 1, My Mountain
- Song 27: Part 2, Rivers
- Song 28 and Song 29
- Song and Solitude
- Song For Rent
- Song for Rent, After Jack Smith
- Song for the Lemons
- Song of the Godbody
- Song Remains The Same, The
- Songs 1-7
- Songs 16-22
- Songs 24, 25, & 26
- Songs 8-14
- Songs for Swinging Larvae
- Sonic Outlaws
- Soothing the Bruise
- Sophie's Place
- Sorted Details
- Sorties
- Sosueme
- Soul of the Cypress - #1 - 1922 Release version - Dudley Murphy
- Soul of the Cypress - #2 - Mystery Version - Interpolated explicit scenes - Dudley Murphy
- Soul of Things (Redux), The
- Sound and Vision, Station to Station
- Sound Movie
- sound of a million insects, light of a thousand stars
- Sound of a Shadow
- Sound of His Face, The
- Sound of One
- Sound of Peace
- Sound Stills
- Soundtrack
- Sources
- Sous le Soleil (Under the Sun)
- South Circular
- SP
- Spans
- Sparkill Avenue
- Special Warning
- Spectre Mystagogic
- Spectres of the Spectrum
- Spectrology
- Speechless
- Spend it All
- Spent Moments
- Sphinx on the Seine
- Spider
- Spin Me Round and Shake Well
- Spiral Vessel
- Spirals
- Spirit House
- Spirit Matters
- Spirits in Season
- Spiritual Constructions
- Spitting Image
- Split Decision
- Split Description
- Split Infinities: Self-Portrait Reconsidered
- Splits
- Spook Sport - Mary Ellen Bute
- Spray
- Spray
- Spring
- Spring Cycle
- Spring Flavor
- Spring Songs
- Spring/Fall Cinesongs: For Storm De Hirsch
- Spun
- Square Inch Field
- Squares
- Squish!
- Sshtoorrty
- St. Ignatius Church Exposure: Lenten Light Conversions
- St. Louise
- St. Teresa
- Stable
- Staffs
- Stages of Mourning
- Staid Poot
- Stan's Salon
- Standard Time
- Star Film
- Star Garden
- Star of Day
- Starfish Aorta Colossus
- Stark Film
- Starlight
- Stars Are Beautiful, The
- Starting to Go Bad
- Startle Pattern
- Stately Mansions Did Decree
- States of Unbelonging
- Stellar
- Steven & Maureen's Wedding, October 27, 2007
- Still Here
- Still Life
- Still Life with Barbie
- Still Life With Woman and Four Objects
- Still Point
- Still Raining, Still Dreaming
- Stinky Butt
- Stolen Movie
- Stone Circles
- Stone Harbor/Forsythia
- Stone Paintings
- Stone Welcome Mat
- Story of a Man (Going Down in Flames), The
- Straight and Narrow
- Straightboy Lessons
- Strange Thing
- Stream Line
- Street of the Sardine
- Street of the Sardine and Yesterday's Shore Tomorrow's Morning
- Street Scene: Two Chicago Documentary Photographers
- Strewnpackedcinerwhateverlight
- Stripe Tease
- Structural Films (INDEX DVD)
- Structural Films (INDEX DVD)
- Struggle of the Meat
- Studio EEN: Experimental Films from the Lowlands
- Study #15
- Study for Cigarette Burn
- Study in Color and Black and White
- Study in Diachronic Motion
- Study In Natural Magic, A
- Study No. 10
- Study No. 11
- Study No. 12
- Study No. 5
- Study No. 6
- Study No. 7
- Study No. 8
- Study No. 9
- Study of A River
- Stupor Mundi
- Submersed But For the Sake of the Sea
- Submission
- Subtle Flight of Birds
- Suburban Trilogy, The
- Suicide Squeeze, The
- Suite (Five Shorts)
- Suite California Stops & Passes Part 1: Tijuana to Hollywood via Death Valley
- Suite California Stops & Passes Part 2: San Francisco to the Sierra Nevadas & Back Again
- Summer
- Summer Medley
- Summer's End
- Summerwind
- Sun's Gonna Shine, The
- Sunbeam Hunter
- Sunday Afternoon
- Sunhopsoon
- Sunstone
- Super 8 Diary - 1982
- Super 8 Diary - 1984
- Super 8 Diary - 1985
- Super 8 Diary - 1986
- Super 8 Diary - 1987
- Super 8 Diary - 1988
- Super 8 Diary - 1989
- Super 8 Diary - 1990
- Super 8 Diary - 1991
- Super 8 Diary - 1993
- Super 8 Diary - 1994
- Super 8 Diary - 1996
- Super 8 Diary - 2000
- Super 8 Diary - 2003
- Super 8 Diary - 2006
- Super 8 Diary - 2007
- Super 8 Diary - 2009
- Super 8 Diary - 2010
- Superdyke
- Superweapon, The
- Surf and Seaweed - Ralph Steiner
- Surface Noise
- Surfacing on the Thames
- Surprised
- Susie's Ghost
- Suspense - Lois Weber
- Swan's Island
- Sweep
- Sweet & Sour
- Sweet Love Remembered
- Sweetest Sandwich, The
- Swerve
- Swimming Stone
- Swish
- Swiss Army Knife With Rats and Pigeons
- Sworded Love
- Sworn To the Drum: A Tribute to Francisco Aguabella
- Sync Touch
- Synchromy No. 2, O'Evening Star - Mary Ellen Bute
- Synchromy No. 4, Escape
- Syntagma (magnetic soundtrack)
- T and the Small Picture Frame
- T, O, U, C, H, I, N, G
- T.Z.
- Taboo (The Single and the LP)
- Tack
- Tails
- Take Off
- Taking My Skin
- Talking Picture
- Tall Grass
- Tanka
- Tapas
- Tarantella - Mary Ellen Bute
- Tarp
- Tarp, Zocolo, Wood Assemblange
- Tartarughe d'Acqua
- Taschenkino-Pocket Cinema-The Catalogue
- Task of the Translator, The
- Tattooed Man, The
- Tea for Two
- Tear/Or
- Teef
- Telefone
- Temple Sleep
- Ten Films by Stuart Sherman (17-26)
- Ten Mornings Ten Evenings and One Horizon
- Tender Duplicity
- Tender Feet
- Tender Images
- Tender Negative
- Tenderloin Blues
- Tensile
- Tent
- Terce
- Termination
- Terra Firma
- Terra Incognita
- Terrace 49
- Terrain Vague
- Terrible Mother, The (Part Four)
- Terrific Measures
- Terror Trail
- Testament
- Testament
- Testimony
- Testimony Plus Documentary Shorts
- Text of Light, The
- Thanatopsis
- That Woman
- Thatch of Night, The
- The Album
- The Arboretum Cycle
- The Astronomer's Dream
- The Balcony/The Boardwalk
- The Black Legion - Nykino
- The Bridge - Charles Vidor
- The Buddhas Within
- The Chair I Lost in the Fire
- The Cinema of Instinct
- The Circus
- The City - 3 sequences - Ralph Steiner
- The Clown
- The Colors of Boulder in the Summer
- The Crack Up
- The Death of Oleander
- The Egg
- The Enchanted City - Warren A. Newcombe
- The Enigmatic Cinema of Joseph Cornell, Pt. 1 - Joseph Cornell
- The Enigmatic Cinema of Joseph Cornell, Pt. 2 - Joseph Cornell
- The Exile / Pituvahalaya
- The Exquisite Corpus
- The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar (11.83 min version)
- The Faintest Sliver of Light
- The Falls
- The Films of James Broughton [Facets DVD box set]
- The Flame Still Burns
- The Floor of the World
- the forest is offended
- the framing of perception
- The Future is Bright
- The Giant At The Other Side
- The Grain of Belfast
- The Grand Bizarre
- The Grove
- The Hearts of Age - Orson Welles
- The Hooded Falcon
- The Illinois Parables
- The Jitters
- The Journey Into Darkness Series
- The Last Chapter
- The Last Day of November
- The Last Supper
- The Life and Death of 9413 - A Hollywood Extra - Robert Florey, Slavko Vorkapich
- The Long Bodies - Douglass Crockwell
- The Losing Battle
- The Lost Generation
- The Love of Zero - Robert Florey
- The Mac Recordings
- The Magician's House
- The Matter Propounded, of its Possibility or Impossibility, Treated in Four Parts
- The Mean Brothers "Get Stood Up"
- the medium is the message
- The Mental Traveller
- The Minibike Ride
- The Mirror Neuron
- The Moon
- The Muse of Cinema Series
- The Ogre's Garden
- The Or Cloud
- The Other Side
- the parent trap
- the past
- The Photoplay Obeys the Laws of the Mind
- the politics of perception
- The Promise
- The Pursuit of Happiness - Rudy Burckhardt
- The Queen of Material
- The Ride
- The Road Ended at the Beach
- the Rose
- The San Francisco Art Institute (A Ghost Story)
- The Seasons (four disc set) - Marcel Hanoun
- The Shape of Things
- The Shores of Carry
- The Sixties Quartet (Re:Voir DVD)
- The Snowman
- The Spectre Watches Over Her
- The Story of AARGH-X (Part One)
- The Tell-Tale Heart - Charles Klein
- The Tree
- The Unimagined Lives of Our Neighbors
- The Unimagined Lives of Our Neighbors: Occupation Diary
- The Visit
- The Watchmen
- The Wedding Present
- Themis - Composition #1 - Dwinell Grant
- There Are No Shadows in East Berlin
- There;done.
- these horizon
- they invented machines
- Thigh Line Lyre Triangular
- Thine Inward-Looking Eyes
- Thinking of Her
- Third
- Third One Year Movie
- Third Reich and Roll
- This is a Film About Mars
- This Is It
- This Is Montage
- This Side of Salina
- This Victory Is Not Desired
- Thot-Fal'N
- Thought
- Thoughtless
- Three
- Three by Cornell: Cotillion, The Midnight Party, Children's Party
- Three Diary Films: A Ticket Home, I'd Rather Be In Paris, Honeymoon In Reno
- Three Domestic Interiors
- Three Film Portraits: Akbar, Bill and Ruby, DA
- Three Films (Kladno, The Fugitive Chef and Our Trembling Way)
- Three Films (Summer Light, Babobilicons, and Divine Miracle)
- Three Films by Abraham Ravett: Half Sister, In Memory, The March
- Three Films by Andy Moore : Split Description; Shades of Meaning; Histrionic Response.....
- Three Films by Richard Myers: The Path, First Time Here and Coronation
- Three Films: Bluewhite, Blood's Tone, Vein
- Three Films: Pixiescope, Waifen Maiden, Consume
- Three Homerics
- Three Landscapes
- Three Lives: Counselling the Terminally Ill
- Three Masked Pieces
- Three More by Cornell: Carrousell, Jack's Dream, Thimble Theatre
- Three Voices
- Threnody
- Threnody
- Threshold
- Throbs
- Through Wounded Eyes
- Thunder
- Thursday
- Ticket Home, A
- Tides
- Ties That Bind, The
- Tigre del Carbón
- Tilly Losch in Her Dance of the Hands - Norman Bel Geddes
- Time and Places
- Time and Tide
- Time Being
- Time Dilations
- Time Flies
- Time Flow
- Time Offed
- Time Passes
- Time to Go to Work
- Time Travel
- Time We Killed
- Time-After Canaletto
- Times For... (two reels)
- Tintinnabula
- Tip of My Tongue
- Titles
- To Hell and Back
- To Lavoisier, Who Died in the Reign of Terror
- To Parsifal
- To Re-Edit the World
- To the Beach
- Today is Sunday
- Together
- Tokyo-Ebisu
- Tomato Is Another Day - J.S. Watson, Jr.
- Tondal's Vision
- Too Small to be a Bear
- Too Young
- Topography/Surface Writing
- Tornado
- Tornado
- Toroidal Forest
- Tortured Dust
- Toscanini's European Sidewalk Cafe
- Total Power, dead dead dead
- Totem
- Touch Tone Phone Film
- Tourist
- Towards
- Towards a People's Cinema
- Tr'Cheot'My P'y
- Traces
- Traces/Legacy
- Tracy's Family Folk Festival
- Tragoedia
- Trailer for the Angry God
- Trailer Trash
- Train Landscape
- Train of Thought
- Training, The
- Traité de Bave et d'Eternité (Venom and Eternity) - Isidore Isou
- Transcribed Toxicosis
- Transformation of Persephone, The
- Transit
- Translation Series
- Transport
- Trauma Victim
- Travel Notes - Walker Evans
- Tree
- Tree
- Tree of Knowledge (Elective Affinities, Part IV)
- Tree of Life
- Trekkerriff
- Trepanations
- Tres bocetos de casa
- Triage
- Trial Balloons
- Trial to Koskimo, His First Hunt, The
- Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America
- Trildogy
- Trilog: Fisheries, The Rhyme, The Old
- Trio
- Trip to Door-Jane and the Kids go to Town
- Tripletime
- Triptych
- Triptych
- Triptych (35mm Version)
- Triptych in Four Parts
- Triste
- Trivia
- Trixi
- Troco
- Trojan House, A
- Trollstenen (four reels)
- Trouble in the Image
- Trouble in the Image--35 version
- True Blue and Dreamy
- True Places
- Trumpet Garden
- Trumpit
- Truth for Ruth
- Truth Serum
- Trypps #5 (Dubai)
- Trypps #6 (Malobi)
- Trypps #7 (Badlands)
- Tryst Haunt/The Harrowing
- TU VU: Turkey Vultures
- Tumble
- Tung
- Tuning the Sleeping Machine
- Tunnels
- Turbulence
- Turning Torso Draw Down / Beautiful Movie / Fades and Close-Ups
- Turning Torso Drawdown
- TV
- TV Commercial--Muntz TV
- Twelve
- Twenty-Four Dollar Island - New 4K digital restoration - Robert J. Flaherty
- Twilight Psalm II: Walking Distance
- Twilight Psalm III: Night of the Meek
- Twilight Psalm IV: Valley of the Shadow
- Twin Peaks
- Two Films I Never Made
- Two Found Objects of Charles Boultenhouse
- Two Marches
- Two Photographers: Wynn Bullock and Imogen Cunningham
- Two Portraits (T. and the Small Picture Frame & Ethna's Suite, So Long)
- Two Roll Camera Roll
- Two: Creeley/McClure
- Tyger Tyger
- Tyler Turkle: Films and Videos 1973-2012 - including: Harry Crews - Survival is Triumph Enough, Smokey Wears Pantyhose, Walk That Dog, Observeillance, Excess, Black Noise, and Fast Moving Pictures, The Last Days of Eddie Marsicano, and more...
- Tziporah
- Ubi Est Terram Oobiae (Part Two)
- Ujan Mas (Golden Rain)
- Ultima Thule
- Un Film Terrible
- Un rêve solaire
- Unbearable Being
- Unbound: Scenes from the Life of Mary Shelley
- Unconscious London Strata
- Under a Broad Grey Sky
- Under The Atmosphere
- Under the Freeway
- Under the Jazz. Circulation. Formation
- Under the Sea
- Under the Shadow of Marcos Mountain
- Undercurrents
- Undergrowth
- Undertone Overture
- Undertow
- Undertow
- Une Fois Habitees (Once Inhabited)
- Unemployment Portrayal
- Unfolding
- Ungerer - A Collection - Volume 1
- Unicorn
- Union
- Unnamed Film
- Unowned Luxuries #3
- Unsere Afrikareise
- Unsubscribe #1: Special Offer Inside
- Unsubscribe #2: All Eyes on the Silver Screen
- Unsubscribe #3: Glitch Envy
- Unsubscribe #4: The Saddest Song in the World
- Untied
- Untitled
- Untitled (earth)
- Untitled (For Marilyn)
- Untitled (Horse)
- Untitled (light)
- Untitled (Objects 3)
- Untitled 1987
- Untitled 1989
- Untitled Part 1 Keeping
- Up and Atom
- Up and Down the Waterfront
- Up The Block One Sunday
- Upon a Time
- Upper Blue Lake
- Urine Man
- US Down by the Riverside
- Usher
- Utopia
- Vacancy
- Valentin De Las Sierras
- Valentine for Nelson, A
- Valeria Street
- Valium Blues
- Valle De Lobos
- Valley Fever
- Variations
- Variations on a Cellophane Wrapper
- Variations on a Seven Second Loop-Painting
- Vatican World
- Vel Richards Presents VDT Heatlh
- Venezia
- Venice Beach in the Sixties: A Celebration of Creativity
- Venice Pier
- Venus
- Vera Drake, Drowning
- VERGE for my sisters
- Vernal Obeisance
- Verse for a Second Childhood
- Verses
- Vervielfaltigung
- Vespucciland, the Great and Free
- Vestal Theatre, The
- Vestibule (in 3 Episodes)
- Vesuvio
- Vever (for Barbara)
- Vezelay Curtain
- Via Rio
- Videe
- Video Journal II (From Grandma's House to Bar Mitzvah)
- Vietnam Veteran
- Villa Rospigliosi
- Village, silenced
- vindmoller
- Vineyard IV
- Virtue
- Visible Compendium, The
- Visible Inventory Nine: Pattern of Events
- Visible Inventory Six: Motel Dissolve
- Visibles (Re:Voir DVD)
- Vision Machine, The
- Vision of the Fire Tree
- Vision Quests
- Visions in Meditation Part 1
- Visions in Meditation Part 2: Mesa Verde
- Visions in Meditation Part 3: Plato's Cave
- Visions in Meditation Part 4: D.H. Lawrence
- Visions of a City
- Visions of Warhol (four films by Jonas Mekas, Willard Maas and Marie Menken)
- Visit to Bernadette Mayer's Childhood Home
- Visit to Indiana, A
- Visitation, The
- Visual Variations on Noguchi
- Vital Interests
- Vital Signs
- Viva and Felix Growing Up
- Void (4. INABILITY)
- Void Vision
- Voiliers et Coquelicots (Sailboats and Poppies)
- Von Innen; von Aussen
- Vox 13
- Voyeurisitic Tendencies
- Vsi Sveti
- vulture
- Waifen Maiden, The
- Wail/Whale
- Waiting for St. Gerard
- Walden (Re:voir DVD)
- Walk Out
- Walk That Dog
- Walking Cycle
- Walking from Munich to Berlin
- Wall Street
- Wanted
- War Heb Je Voor Het Gekeken
- War is Hell
- War Songs
- War Zone
- War, The
- War-Heads
- Warm Broth (Rhoads, aka Luther Price)
- Warm Spots
- Warning Shot
- Warpaths (paper film)
- Wash
- Wash + Shave
- Wash It
- Washing Society, The
- Wasteland No. 1: Ardent, Verdant
- Wasteland No. 2: Hardy, Hearty
- Wasteland No. 3: Moons, Sons
- Wasteland Utopias
- Wastewater
- Water and Power
- Water Circle, The
- Water for Maya
- Waterbed
- Waterfall
- Waterlight
- Watershow Extravaganza, The
- Watersmith
- Waterworx (A Clear Day and No Memories)
- Watunna
- Wavelength
- Wax Experiments
- Way, Which
- Wayward Emulsions
- Wayward Fronds
- We and I
- We Are the Palestinian People (3 reels)
- We Hold These
- We Shall March Again
- Wedlock House: An Intercourse
- Weeny Worm or the Fat Innkeeper, The
- Weir-Falcon Saga, The
- Welcome to the House of Raven
- Well Spent Life, A
- Wend-o
- West
- Western History
- Westinghouse Works Panorama Views - G.W. "Billy" Bitzer
- What Am I Doing Here
- What Do Two Rights Make?
- What Farocki Taught
- What Goes Around
- What Goes Up....
- What is a Man
- What Memphis Needs
- What the Water Said Nos 1-3
- What the Water Said, Nos. 4-6
- What These Ashes Wanted
- What's Good Bruce?
- What's Left is Wind
- What's Out Tonight is Lost
- What's This?
- What's Wrong with This Picture 1
- What's Wrong With This Picture 2
- What, Who, How
- Wheeeels No. 2
- Wheeeels No.1
- Wheel of Ashes - Peter Emanuel Goldman
- When & Where
- When I Was a Kid I wanted to be an Astronaut
- When It Is Still
- Where Did It All Come From? Where Is It All Going?
- Where Did Our Love Go
- Where The Chocolate Mountains
- Which Way is East: Notebooks from Vietnam
- Which Way to CA? (INDEX DVD)
- White Calligraphy
- White City
- White Heart
- Who Ho Rays
- Whole Note
- Why Are We Here
- Why Live Here?
- Wieners and Buns Musical
- Wild Currents
- Wild Gunman
- Wild Wheels
- Wilderness: A Country in the Mind
- Will She Get Over It?
- William
- Wind in Our Hair (Con Viento en El Pelo)
- Wind/Water/Wings
- Windmill
- Window
- Window Water Baby Moving
- Window Work
- Window, A
- Windowmobile
- Windows onto Montebello Rd.
- Winter
- Winter Beyond Winter
- Winter Light
- Winter Soldier
- Winter There Was Very Little Snow, The.
- Wintercourse
- Winterwheat
- With Pluses and Minuses
- Within
- Wofobs, The
- Wold Shadow, The
- Wolf Release
- Woman Powdering Herself, A (La Femme qui se Poudre)
- woman stabbed to death
- Woman When Sacred, The
- Woman's Touch, A
- Women
- Women Behind the Camera
- Women Behind the Camera - Special Edition 2-Disc set
- Women I Love
- Women's Rites or Truth is the Daughter of Time
- Wonder Ring, The
- Word Movie (Flux Film 29)
- Words of Mercury
- Workers Leaving the Factory (Dubai)
- Working Class
- Working Class Chronicle
- Working Portraits
- Works in the Field
- Works on Paper
- World Without End
- Worm
- Worm and Web Love+
- Wot the Ancient Sod
- Writing with Light: White Calligraphy
- X
- X Y Chromosome Project, The
- XFilm
- Yard Work is Hard Work
- Yellow Aria
- Yellow Horse
- Yellow Sequence
- Yes, I Said Yes, I Will, Yes
- Yggdrasill Whose Roots Are Stars in the Human Mind
- Yoko Ono: This is Not Here
- You and I Remain
- You Are Here- X- Marks the Spot
- You Can Drive the Big Rigs
- You Don't Own Me
- You Ever Hear of Wyatt Earp?
- You Never Worry
- You, Mother
- Your Day Is My Night
- Your Television Traveler
- Yum, Yum, Yum!
- Z: (zee notezed)
- Zane Forbidden
- Zefiro Torna or Scenes From the Life of George Maciunas
- Zero
- Zero Hour
- Zip-Tone-Cat-Tune
- Zipper
- Ziveli: Medicine for the Heart
- Zocalo
- Zone Moment